The Only Female Son

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            You would have thought that I hated being the only female prospect in the history of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club. But, I was actually a bit proud. Sure some days are harder than others, but I worked my ass off to even become a prospect. Now, I only had about three more months before becoming a member, unless Clay decided to keep me prospecting longer. However, that won’t be an issue. At least, I hope that it won’t be. I don’t want to keep busting my ass and humiliating myself for this.

            Sometimes I really do worry that instead of prospecting me, at the end of the year, they will just laugh at me and tell me to go home, that I was stupid and weak and to never show my face around them again. Though I know that many of the guys wouldn’t do that, I know that some of them and many other nomad members have hated the idea of me from the start and would love to tell me that. Even though I have proved to them many times that I can handle myself and that I could match them in a fist to fist battle (I mean, I don’t like to brag but I put Juice in a head lock with his arms twisted behind his back and on his knees) and I have killer aim. I can ride and I know everything to know about the club, and the law for that matter.

            I busted my ass, dealt with the prejudice of being a ‘tough female’ (as many called it) and being humiliated as a female prospect. People watched me more than the other male prospects. They blended in, like they were supposed to be there in the first place. I was the one who stuck out like a sore thumb who was supposed to be at the whims of their privates rather than their equal.

            Like I said, not all of them thought this, but I knew most of them did. It was almost a clear divide about who did and did not want me in the club. It was a big deal for me to even be considered for a prospect. There were nomads from the club who came up to talk to Clay and even some members all across the country who called the club, demanding I be set off. Clay, however, let me stay. I don’t know whether it was Gemma behind it, guiding him to let me stay, but he never let me leave. Sure he didn’t always support me prospecting, but he didn’t completely go against me either. His mood on me for the first couple of months depended on the type of mood he had that day in general. Now though, he seems to be okay with me prospecting.

            The people I’ve never had a problem with are Jax, Opie, Chibs, Juice, and Bobby. As far as I could see, they never treated me any different than how they would each other when they weren’t treating me like a prospect, but even then they treated me fairly and like the others.

Juice was the first one who made the ‘weak little girl joke’ and he was therefore the first person who I had to prove my strength to. I mean, sure he got a black eye, but he we’ve gotten really close then. I asked him if he was angry that he lost a fist to fist battle with me and he told me there was no shame in losing to someone who could fight well, he would just learn better. And he has gotten better. We sometimes fight for fun and he’s been getting better moves. Whether he has been copying them from me he won’t answer but he has been getting better. But Juice isn’t exactly the type for fighting. It’s Kozik, Clay, and Opie who I would not want to get into a fight with. I’d probably get a good slams in, but they are pretty big and got a good enough weight to overpower me.

Chibs was the first person who took me out to see just how well I could shoot. The others were behind the glass, watching me of course, but Chibs was the one beside me, instructing me what to do. I already explained to them that my dad was a hunter and he would let me practice with him sometimes, so I knew how to shoot the huge kick back guns that would leave a bruise on my shoulder. This little trinket hand gun was nothing. A lot easier than those big guns. When I got perfect shots in the head, chest, and arms in four shots close together before talking about it to Chibs, the others thought I was a natural. I wasn’t though. I was a terrible shot at first with those big guns, but then I got the hang of it and I was pretty good. Chibs was certainly impressed, even if I told him that I had shot guns many times before.

And even though Jax and Opie were more higher up than me, I considered them good friends. We gave jokes to each other, playfully hit each other. Some people thought that we were flirting, but it was all just jokes and soon everyone saw that.

Bobby seemed indifferent about me. I think he liked me as a friend and person, but I'm not sure if he wanted me in the club. Though he never verbally said anything, it was hard to tell whether he thought I should be a Son. Maybe he didn't, but I wasn't quite sure. And even if he didn't, at least he didn't treat me bad because of it.

Tig was pretty cool about everything too. He made a lot of sexual jokes to me and at first I was offended, but then I got to know him more and I began to realize that he was joking around. Kozik wasn’t exactly pleased and he usually let me know verbally or physically, but I mostly ignored him. He wasn’t around too much anyway. He usually was gone while I was around. If it were up to me I would have ‘shown off my strength’ to him too, but by then I was a prospect, not just a random person trying to get in like how it was with Juice. And Piney wasn’t exactly thrilled that I was around either, but he never verbally objected, at least not when I was around. However, I think Piney is so closed minded and up his ass that he isn’t exactly thrilled if a black person sat beside him on a bus. Chucky mostly was weird around me, we don’t usually talk, but I think he likes me. He seems to act like he is friendly to everyone even if he hates them.

            At least the other guys prospecting with me warmed up to my arrival. We all basically started at the same time, only a couple of weeks apart, except for James, who was a prospect for a month and a half before me. In our group of four, I was the second to become a member. James Heckler (morely known as Heck in the group as an alias) was a good guy. He never had any trouble with me. He was the one who was the most welcoming from day one before the others came along to his agreement. The other two prospects who came two weeks before me are Elijah Stevens (also known as Dirty Eli or Eli) and Jonah Weaver (also known as Pretty Boy). It took Eli and Jonah a bit to warm up to me, like I was infected with something so they would talk to me as long as I was on the other side of the room. But, after a couple of weeks they warmed up to me. The four of us are almost as thick as thieves. I find it a blessing to do the hard part of prospecting with three guys who I now practically call my brothers.

            I think Heck got his name because it was close to his last name. I wasn’t around when the name was created. And Dirty Eli was because he easily changed something into a dirty situation. It’s strange just how everything you say could be interpreted as ‘dirty minded’ when you have a person who easily points it out. And I know exactly where Pretty Boy came from since I was the one who created it. The guy worried more about his hair and his looks more than most girls that I have met.

            As for me, I, Rowen Byrnes, was known as Row.

Writer's Note: For the people who are wondering where Happy is, he will be introduced in the story later. I didn't forget him. Also, this story takes place five years before the show's timeline. I hope that you enjoyed the read and please tell me what you think.

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