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A/N: hello everyone! I'm back and here's a part two of my first book ' bond of Eve & Servamp ' , hope everyone likes/ enjoy it I've been getting a lot of inspiration for this anime and others as well. If u guys want go check out my other stories as well I got one and that k project. But anyways hope u guys like it. Warning, grammar in this story so bare with me but anyways enjoy. ☺️

4 years ago...

It was a peaceful day. Ayana was on her was to Mikuni's place until she got a text from him saying ' meet me at the park someone wants to meet you..'

She looks at it and tx back ' ok On my way...' As she finish texting him she puts her phone in her pocket.

." Meeting a friend of Mikuni besides tsurugi huh... Can't wait..." With that, he uses her powers to full speed with high jumps. In about few minutes she got to the park. And spotted Mikuni. " hey!! I'm here!!" She shouted at him as she waved, Mikuni got up from the bench and wave back.

" hey there Ayana u miss me already huh~..." She hit him on the shoulder. " you idiot stop teasing would ya,..." She paused. " oh and to answer ur question yes I do... I need to get out of the house.." " aw.... At least you got me and Jeje~" he said with a smile. Ayana nods in agreement. " true on that one... Speaking of friends.." Mikuni looks at her, " ??"

" you txt and call me saying that a friend of yours wants to meet me? And he's in c3 right, working with you?..." Ayana replied

" yea he's over here and he's been dying to meet you..." Mikuni said in announcy, while walking towards the bench. " oh you don't want me to meet him?... Mikuni nod his head. As they were walking Ayana spotted a figure seating on a bench. He was wearing a white shirt, with a necklace and black pants. His hair I'd with a mixture.

' that's probably his friend... Not bad tho..' She thought.

" there you are, Mikuni!" His friend said. " sorry I was waiting for Ayana.." He said. After he said that both his friend and Ayana were looking at each other.

" hello. Nice to meet you.." Ayana said to him while shaking his Hand, " " same to you..." He said. Then all three hang out at the park, while both Ayana and he were talking getting to know each other, while Mikuni keeps looking at them, well mainly his friend.

They talked two hrs until he got a text. " ah damn hey sorry Mikuni I got to go duty calls.." " it's ok to see you at work at c3 I'll catch up." He nodded, and look at Ayana. " again it great meeting you..hope we be great friends..." She smiles, " totally... Oh! "

Both Mikuni and his friend look at her. " I didn't catch your name.."

He smiles, " oh it's....******** " she shakes his hand, and he waves her a goodbye and to Mikuni.
But after those yrs, he did something that broke her promise, and...... her heart.

Coming up next: chapter 1- welcome to a place of trouble

A/N: Vote, and comment if u guys have any suggestions about the story go ahead and comment It means a lot. ☺️ see u guys next chapter.

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now