Chapter 23 saving a friend and returning home

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The others running towards misono place, after Ayana got a call from misono, when she heard it sounded weird to her. Got the gut feeling her and the group except mikuni and doubt.

While everyone was going to misono place she remembers what mikuni said to her and them.


Ayana ended the call she look towards the others calling her name.

" are you okay big sis Ayana?." Tetsu ask her while put a peace a food in his mouth.

" I'm fine, just misono called and I have a feeling something is not right. " she paused while turning to look out the window, " especially this weather. "

" I'm sure he's fine Ayana. Come you need to eat. " kuro replied to her in worried giving her plate.

Everyone was continue eating and thinking about everything that is happening now then heard they heard a voice coming towards the room. Seeing mikuni and his Servamp envy doubt doubt.

" I see you guys heard the news huh~?"

Ayana popped her head up seeing mikuni standing and leaning on the wall.

" mikuni San!" Mahiru call his name. He waved and greeted everyone with a smile then went towards the couch to sit down.

" mikuni what brings you by?" Ayana said to him, he shrugged his shoulders, " just seeing how you guys are doing and to check up on you. " he paused with a smirk, " and to eat food to as well. Because I miss your cooking~"

Ayana made annoying face, as she went towards the kitchen get his Bach. Kuro twitch his eyebrow, Mahiru sweat dropped.

" that's Misono's brother for you."

" you don't have to as you see I'm fine as you can tell. I'm just worried for your lil brother. " Ayana answer his question, while handling his plate and Jeje. Mikuni nod turning his head to the window seeing the weather.

" mikuni San do you know why it's snowing?" Mahiru spoke to him, seeing he eat a scoop of Ayana's dinner.

" you could say that. But I thought you might know it Mahiru?" He smiled.

licht spoke, " if you know thank say it. " hough nod in agreement, seeing that he does not quite fond of him. Mikuni looked at them seeing Ayana nod as well.

" it jinn, " he answered soon Mahiru made a confusing look, while the Servamps gasp by what he meant by that. Ayana close her eyes knowing what he meant as well.

" jinn?" Mahiru.

Mikuni nods then look towards Ayana, " you know it to Ayana?!"

She nodded, " when me and her started hanging out she learned a few things about Servamps and their powers. " he said to them kuro glancing at her. Seeing her hair covering her eyes not showing emotion.

" jinn is like dust. If a vampire dies they turn to jinn, spreading around the city. " Hugh explained. Mikuni nods in agreement.

" but how do you let them escape?.." Licht asked.

Ayana stare at the greed pair and back to mikuni, " but when they escaped to a Servamp body they do abnormal things. It interferes by covering the sun. In order to let them out is by breaking the contract of a Servamp. ". Mikuni added. " and my household has been doing abnormal things. " he continues, Ayana stands up from the table.

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