Chapter 27 kidnapped

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Kuro and others start looking for Ayana. Since Yuu her ex kidnapped her, they have to go to where they are located but they don't know where.

Kuro smell her scent and her blood since he drink her blood so many times he recognized the trail. All of the Servamps, Eve's and Ayanas family went along with the Servamps and Eve's. 

His siblings look at his expression and notice the raged of anger that has build up in him.

Lawless concern for his big brother he called his name, " nii San, we will get her. "

" I know lawless... Just I should've been with her. " Kuro

" if you were, you know that Yuu guy is dangerous from what Ayana had told us about him. " world end said to him.

All of his siblings told him, trying to confront him. He nods at them all. They all said as they jumped building to building at night.


After about couple of hours of finding the place. They all found the building that they are looking for and where they kept Ayana hostage. Which is a old town where no people lived here for awhile. They found the building which is only one building.

Everyone took shelter and wait for the battle. They took shelter at a abandoned house where the building is at. They decided to not be to close since the long distance of eve and Servamp contract. 

But the 7 Servamps are worried for their big brother sloth. Because of what happened to Ayana.

" Kuro you should get some rest.." Lily told his big brother.

" yes nii San, since you are going to need for the battle in the morning. " lawless told him.

Kuro nod his head transform into a cat form. " I'm gonna be here if anyone needs me. "

The Servamps nod at their brother. Then decided to go to bed as well.

Kuro was still wake thinking about what kage told him.

Mini flashback

Then all of them, looked at him. " wait... How can find out who did that to Ayana!.."

" trust her. Know you eve sleepy ash. Because she don't have enough time. " kage told Kuro.

" not enough time?. For what, who!?.." Then with that his vision went black. But heard Kages voice.

" trust her. Stay by her side and the truth of the person will come. I wish you the best of luck, sleepy ash. "

Flashback end

Kuro look at his tiny paws, clenching them tightly. ' I'm going to rescue Ayana. I'm here...'

In the build

In the building Ayana was in the top floor, sat in a chair tied up with her hands and ankles. She lift her head up to see her surroundings.

' where am I...' She thought then heard footsteps coming and heard too familiar voice in the room. That she despise of from the beginning she meet him.

" I see you are awake... Perfect. "

Ayana look at the person who enter the room. " you... Yuu.. YOU ASSHOLE!!..."

She yelled, then started to moving the chair around trying to get out of it. But stopped when she felt another person in the room.

She look up saw a male who looks young, with an old tradition Japanese clothing. Similar to Tsubakis.

' is this...'

The young man, walked towards her keeping a certain distance between them and Yuu. He give her a warm smile.

" nice to meet you, Ayana chan. "
Next chapter: Chapter 28 why choose the path?

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now