Chapter 26 what now, what now!!

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Next day
The others heard that they are going to have another battle again with similar faces, that they haven't seen in a while. So, they all started to make a plan for them to stop them and hurting anymore people.

Ayana sat beside them telling who will be their. Even her family will help them out.

" so who's going to be there?.." Nanami told her best friend.

" it's Yuu, and kuros siblings creator. They are gonna meet at a Brandon building. " Ayana

" I'm not to fond of that situation, Ayana San. " her cousins told her from her mom side. Ayanas cousin she look at her and listening careful.

Her whole family meet the group and they agreed to help and Ayanas mother meet her Servamp which she didn't tell her about but she's okay with it.

Once they are done going over the plan. Everyone stayed inside and eat dinner before the battle begins tomorrow. Ayana somehow feels off, looking out the window she feels that someone is watching her.

Walking towards outside she went to the terrace looking at the city lights view feeling the cool breeze On her, moving her hair.

' what am I going to do, with that kid?'

She thought, about her ex on how she is going to confront him since its been over four years of taking her revenge on her father that he did to her. Drugging her and taking his life. She thought about that every single day now it's come to an end she might finally rest. But what will happen if Yuu gets to kuro, Ayana will be heartbroken if he was gone.

While she was deep in thought she felt strong warm arms around her waist. She look down and saw blue color sleeves, turning her head slightly to see kuros red eyes staring her.

" you okay Ayana?"

Ayana hummed, while she nods. " yes just worried about tomorrow. But..."

" but?..." Kuro

" I feel like someone is watching me. I don't know but I think it's the knot in my stomach that's all. But anyways, I see my family likes you. " Ayana change the subject to Kuro. He pull back keeping a certain distance. For her and him.

He nods, scratching his check. " yea, and I talked to you're mother she's a wonderful lady. "

Ayana chuckled, " yea and I know she trust you. " she paused, then continue, " and I think you have an effect on every female you encounter.~" she smiled at him.

Kuro blushed at lil by her compliment. Walking to his eve hugging her. " thank you..."

" for what? "

He lift his head up to look at her at her lvl. " for being by my side from day one. Especially with Tsubaki and helping me with the demons I have. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. "

She stare at her Servamp, with widen eyes, " we'll if it wasn't me who picked you up in that ally way. I would never been here. Plus I love your cat form!~"

Kuro made a smile then kiss her on the lips. Ayana kiss back, her hand going up to his blue hair making in a fist Kuro moaned as her hands roamed around his body and hair. Kuro did the same back. But till they about to go further, Kuro heard lawless calling him.

" nii San we need you!" Lawless

Both pulled back breaking the kiss, Kuro groaned by his request of his brother. " I really don't want to go... Such a pain. "

Ayana giggle, then turn him around and pushing him slightly towards the food. " you should go I'll be inside just a bit. "

She told him, looked back Kuro giving a concerned look. " you sure"

Ayana nod, " yea I'll be fine..."

With that Kuro went inside Ayana hearing the ruckus inside by lawless and Kuro. She let out a sigh, but minutes later she felt a strong presence coming her way.

Soon, she about to turn she felt too familiar arms around her and heard a voice that she does not want to Remember.

" why long time to see Ayana~..." Ayana gasped.


The Servamps and her family are seating in the living room. Enjoying each other's company but not long till they heard screams.

" Ayana!!" Kuro yelled, running to wards the terrace.

While everyone is behind him, Kuro made it outside saw a young male carrying Ayana bridal style while she's sleeping.

" Ayana San!/ ayana chan!/Ayana!/ big sis Ayana!.." All Eve's and Servamp said in sync. Her family called her name but no answer.

" don't worry she's not dead... Yet.." He warned them.then Ayanas family recognize the scent of him.

" you are her ex!..." Nanami said out loud.

" let her go!" Lawless told Yuu.

" if you don't let her go you are going to pay!" Kuro growled at him, then sniff out, ' he's to familiar I recognize another scent on him...?!'

" you are with ' him' correct?" Kuro

Yuu nods, " if you want her come to the place in the morning. Don't be late, if you want your master to be upset.~"

The Servamps gasped, Kuro ran towards them reaching his eve but not enough. " Ayana!..."
Next chapter: Chapter 27 kidnapped

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now