Chapter 18 it's my fault

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The scenery change, once again. But this time it was at a wear house. That is unknown to Ayana. She was standing up placing her hand on the person's chest. She shoot her father in the chest.

" D-Dad!! "

Then she heard a familiar voice,

" I'm sorry that you have to do this Ayana, but you have to make choice. Come with me and join me. Or stay here. "

She glared at him. " fuck you... Go to hell. But one thing, you will pay for this!!.. I will never forgive you. "

He smirked at her, then spoke to her. " we'll see but one thing my sweet Ayana~... You are mine and nothing will change that. "

She looked at him, in confusion. " see you..."

Then left without a sight.

Takayuki fell down to the ground while holding onto his daughter. Ayana cried non stop.

" I'm so sorry!... D-dad, it's my fault!!.. I didn't believe you!.." Ayana cried.

" I-it okay Ayana... It's not your fault...." Takayuki said to her.

Ayana looked at her father with tears rolling down to her cheeks. Then rain started to pour.

" please... You have to live! Dad. Stay with me!!!"

Takayuki held Ayana's cheek. " I'm not gonna make. Ayana, remember what I taught you.."

Ayana felt her fathers' strength going away.

" n-no... Please! I don't think... I can do this!!" She said. " I'm....not r-ready.." She added.

" y-you...are... Remember what I taught. " he paused, with a smile not leaving his face. "  protect... Those You... Loved..." With that, he closed his eyes.

Ayana showed fear, as his hand feels onto the ground. Ayana shakes him to wake him up.

" dad... " she shakes her father.

No answer.

" please wake up!!.."

No response.

" ...............I'm sorry. Please wake up!!.." She yelled while she cried her mother came in running towards her husband and daughter.

But she was too late. She saw her husbands corpse on the ground. Right when she was about to speak until she heard the noise of sirens.

" shit... We have to go Ayana!!.." Her mother said to her. But Ayana was not moving.

" Ayana! Listen to me!!.."

" I'm not leaving....." With no emotion. Her mother had enough so she picked her daughter up and ran with her ability as fast as possible. 

" Dad!!! Stop mom!! Put me down, let me go!!!.." She yelled.

" I'm not losing you too!!!.."

Ayana cried all night that day until they hit their house. Ayana went to her room. Cried all night, with days she didn't leave the house or her room.

She got up and went to her mirror and saw a scar on her back, that she thought was a friend she can trust and loved. She made a fist look in the mirror.

" I'll make them pay... I'll make him pay.."



Next chapter: Chapter 19 forgiveness

A/N:  I'm back!! Lol sorry for not updating been frustrated with school, a drama that involves the school, college life man never fails. *sigh* But now I'm out ish 😅. Now I can update, yay!

Chapters are on their way while I'm on break gonna do more. Anyways here's a new chapter. Hope you guys like it. And enjoy. ^^

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