Chapter 25 visitors

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While everyone was talking about the situation Mikuni and misono went to another to talk about what he saw and heard about the household.

" so um... I heard what happened back home. " misono told him, Mikuni stand lean against the wall. While misono seating on a coach in the room.

Mikuni nods, " I...I want to apologize for what happened-.."

" don't apologize misono. It's not your fault. " mikuni cut him off by his surprise answer.

Misono look up at Mikuni quickly, " b- but... I blame you for killing mother. And father he... Even lily! "

Mikuni walks up to misono, start to hug him out of no where. Tears coming out of Misono's eyes as he Barry his face in his shoulders.

" I'm sorry, I lie to you misono. " Mikuni apology.

Misono shakes his head, " I'm sorry... Big brother Mikuni. "

After they both apologize to each other and forgive each one another, they went back to the room and seat with the other Servamps. As soon they went in both brothers saw two Eve, licht and tetsu.

" Ayana and them are not back yet?" Misono ask them.

Licht shakes his head, " no they haven't.."

" they are talking in the middle of the hallway not far from the room we are in. " tetsu respond.

Misono nods, while Mikuni glance towards the door.


Mahiru, Sakuya, were at the hallway, standing in front of Ayana. All of them catching up for them. Mahiru kept glancing at Ayana, even sakuya. She put her leg over her thigh, trying to get comfortable but the situation was awkward for all three of them.

Especially for Ayana not telling them about what happened to her father and about her dating someone that was, a lil bit older, probably a year or two.

Then Ayana started to speak. " so... " both males look at her . " surprise..."

Sakuya spoke, " Ayana, what-..."

" what the hell! Ayana! " mahiru

" okay okay I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys about my ex. It wasn't even worth it to be honest. " Ayana

" really ? Was it really worth it that he was starting to toture you by not accepting whats wrong!" Sakuya yell.

" and telling us. We are your friends Ayana our promise. " mahiru said to her then Ayana started to water.

She bite her bottom lip, and look away from him. " okay, I see it now. But do you guys know it was painful for me to keep this a secret? My whole life it's about protecting the people I care about! We protect ourselves a reason, so that we can't hurt the people we care!" starting to cry. She sniff.

Both mahiru and sakuya stayed quiet continue to listen to her. " okay but what to your father. Was it true? " sakuya told her.

" that's why you haven't been back to school for a week? " mahiru.

Ayana nods, "y...yes." She wipe her eyes.

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now