Chapter 14 Ayana vs. touma

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" to my surprise, I thought you were dead, " he said to her. She chuckled a little.

" aw... sorry sweety, but nothing can kill me,... But if someone tries to hurt the ones I cared about..." She gave a dark tone and stare at Touma. And while she is glowing " they are dead. "

Kuro stared at Ayana, then remembers what Touma said to him.

' " that Ayana Michiyo is ' the Red Devils light'. Yes. ", '

Ayana stated at Touma with cold eyes. She looked at her friends who were staring at her with shocked and injured.

" are you guys okay!. "

she asks them, they gave her a yes and a nodded. Then she glances at Kuro and saw that he's hurt. She greeted her teeth then spoke. " why?! What did you do Touma?!.."

" huh? What you mean?. We were just having a friendly talk but.." He paused. " it just went sideways .." Ayana glared at him. ' what is he trying to do?..'

" have you decided on our deal? " Touma said to her. But the others heard him and was curious. " huh what deal?.." Mahiru and the others replied to her but Ayana stayed silent.

Kuro still on the ground staring at Ayana then back to Touma.

" how awful you didn't tell. " he stopped and smirk at her. " I sure did. "

" shut..." Ayana

" shut?.." Touma said while tilting his head. Then everyone got quiet.

" SHUT UP!!.." She yelled at him. Then her aura starting to appear.

Ayana wide her eyes an charged at him with her neon powers. She attacks him but he dodges it, then he punches her in the face. Ayana kneeled down and hold her cheek where he punches her. Everyone was in shocked by what happens Kuro got up and stared at Ayana with furry in her eyes.

" what did you say to them?!.."

Touma hummed and shrugged his shoulders, " oh I just told them who you are.... ' the Red Devils light'. "

" no. Your Lying!!.." She charged at him, while he blocked it. " what do you expect Ayana. Her eyes widen, " do you think you get to have a perfect life!!.." She looked at him. Then jumped back.

" what you mean?!.. You don't know anything. My father, my life, nothing.." She was getting her lead out while she was cut off.

" your father was like that. Just like you. "

she stopped and raised her weapons and jumped towards him. But he shot her. She groaned from the pain and the others saw her injured. Mahiru and the others called out to her and tried to help her but Kuro said don't.

" big bro. What are you doing?!.." Lawless yelled at him.

" Kuro! We need to help Ayana!... She's in trouble!!.." Mahiru said to him. But Kuro stared at her.

Touma walked towards her. " what? " Ayana said to him.

" your father was like you. He wanted to be normal to all humans, but that's when he was dangerous to the city...." He told her. Ayana widened her eyes and remembers her and him. " you... You were the one who killed him!!.." 

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