Chapter 24 memories pt2

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Silence fell to the room. For about few seconds every one yelled.

" what?! Your EX?!..."

Ayana heard their yelling, asking questions all at once, like since when you got a boyfriend, how long was it, what happened, why he wants to come from you.

Ayana told them to be quite, " it's a long story honestly. "

" well we got time do spill it.." Mahiru told her, crossing his arms.

Sakuya nod his head as well, " same here."

" okay fine I'll tell you guys..." She looked at kuro. Who was quite for a while, she feels bad not telling him but it was for his own good. She called out to him.

" Kuro..."

He looked up at her making eye contact.

" I'm sorry... I don't want to hurt you-..."

He cut her off, " it's okay Ayana. But I want to know what happened when kage showed us your memories. "

" what's his name?" Licht asked, while everyone looked at her. " his name is yuu toshiyuki.."

She nodded and start telling them, " this happened in middle school..."

Flashback to 5 years ago...

It was a peacefully day Ayana meet Mikuni to meet his friend. Once she got there spotted him and his friends Mikuni introduced he left to go back to work. Then few days later, she spotted him again.

Ayana was on a roof on top of building enjoying the sky with a cool breeze. Thinking about Mikunis friend, ' that yuu guy, he was nice. ' she paused then her thought went to an image of him. ' and good looking....'

Her thought was cut off by an familiar voice that she heard from before. " I could of sworn I sense something was here~.."

She jerked her body swing leg to his face stopping her actions any further. Ayana looked at the persons face, and notice it was Mikunis friend, yuu toshiyuki, making eye contact. He smiled at her.

" nice to see you again Ayana.~" he let go of her leg. Ayana adjusting her shirt and leg, soon her face is truning red a lil bit from the encounter.

" s-Sorry, yuu... " her face red as a tomato.

Yuu smiled at her actions, ' cute~...' He looked at her, while she play with her hem shirt, " it's okay but I got to admit you have pretty good reflexes. "

" thanks... I train with my family but mostly my dad. "

" really nice, and um Ayana... I was..." She looked at him in curious, " I was wondering you want to hang out tomorrow?"

She stare at him for second then smile, " sure. I would like that. "

He smiled back at her so they both give each other's phone number. Then they both started talking till Ayana got a call from her folks.

" looks like I got to go..."

" so soon?"

She hummed in response, " yea, my folks called. But I'll see you tomorrow?"

He nods at her, " of course, see you tomorrow.~"

She smiled at him, then use her neon fast speed to her house. Yuu smiled to himself seeing her going full speed. After that, both of they started hanging out a lot lately, then about couple months they started dating.

Flashback end

All of the group listen to Ayana's story of her ex. Mikuni close his eyes remembers what he told him about her. Both Sakuya and Mahiru were in shocked to hear that she use to had a boyfriend and they didn't know about it. Kuro continues to listen to his eve as she was having trouble to speak. He notice her trembling a lil, he held her hand trying to calm her down.

Ayana glanced the corner of her eye sees that Kuro was holding her hand. She smiles at him as he returns a smile to her.

She continued to speak then look at the group.

" and that's how we hit it off. After those months I told My parents about him but they don't really like him. Always to clingy and jealous easily. Then all of sudden he changed, because while he was working in c3 he changed. Until one day, I got into it with him and i meet the group that he was in and i knew why they wanted me to join, so I declined his offer.

but my father heard that i was going to see him and he went out to look for me trying to stop me making the wrong decision of my life. When I got to the location where he wants to meet up to talk to me, I knew something was up with him because he started to change and he wants me to join but i rejected him on the offer but then he got upset that he is taking no for an answer. Then he started to fight me, he try attacking me but I attacked him.

He scratched me on my back when I wasn't looking so he took the opportunity to drugged me. Put a needle in my neck.

Soon after, everything went black i try attacking him while the drugs was in me and as i opened my eyes again i can see my father, my own family member that was close to me, was lying on the ground. I look up and saw him with a smirked then left. When he left my father pass while in my arms.

After that my mother came to get both of us until she saw me and her husband. She took me away from the scenes and headed home. After about few days later i went to school and everything is going normal to except that something was messing, and i can't stop thinking of what happened on that day.

The one person that I can trust and loved betray me. Using me as a weapon. That's why I'll make him pay for what he did. "

Ayana told them the full story. Stopped then waiting for response, they were speechless.

" so he was the one who made you killed your father." Misono replied to her. Ayana nodded her head.

" that bastard... Now he's coming back is what your trying to say?" Licht.

" yes that's why I want my revenge. Killing my father, forcing me to joined him. I feel so stupid and blind for falling for him and follow him. " Ayana said to them. Mahiru and Sakuya looked at each other and to her.

" and that's why he was here. But so the creator must've told him about us. " lily.

" so now they are working together. To finish what he started. Such a pain.." Kuro

Misono looked at Mikuni remember what his father said to him when he left home. " mikuni, I need to talked to you alone. "

Mikuni nods, looking at Ayana. " I'll be fine... Go talk to him. " he smiled then told he he to stay.

Mahiru and Sakuya watched Mikuni and misono leave the room and figure they should do the same. Mahiru ask ur licht and tetsu should gone they said yes. So both Mahiru and Sakuya called Ayana, " um, Ayana can we talked to you for second. "

She hummed and nodded, standing up letting them know that they will be back. Also giving the Servamps to discuss on what's going on. So, Mahiru, Sakuya, were at the hallway, standing in front of Ayana.
Next chapter: Chapter 25 visitors

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