Chapter 17 family time

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the scenery changed from Mikunis shop. To a house.

" w-here?!.." Lawless said, in shocked.

Then they all saw red neon coming towards them. Lawless and everyone ducked their heads from the impacted. Kuro and Mahiru saw red neon, one of them was about to speak until Kuro heard a familiar voice,

" ugh!! I can't do it right.." Ayana yelled, with disappointment. She heard footsteps coming towards her.

" you can do it, you just got to focus..."

Ayana look towards her father, Takayuki, said to his daughter but Ayana pouted.

" father... " she pouted, her father give her a serious look. She sigh then took a fighting stance that she did before.

She took deep breathes and focused on her target, then she releases. Saw the target burned. She turn to faced her father and give each other high fives. They went inside to eat dinner and have some family time.

" how are you guys?." One of her uncles from her mother side said.

Ayana shrugged her shoulders, " okay but need work. "

" it's okay Ayana, it's just takes time to get used to. " her mother, Akari, said to her. Ayana look up and said really. The whole family agrees.

Throughout the day the whole family went out again after dinner to continue practice. Ayana and her father, Takayuki, practice a little more. Ayana gotten used to her speed and her wold form.

Her father showed her some fighting combat to protect her self. Which she didn't mind.

2 hours later...

After their practice her and her father took a break and done for the day.

" father... What if I'm not good enough. What if they hate me. " Ayana said in a wryly tone.

Takayuki put his hand on her shoulder and give her a warm smile.

" Ayana, remember that peace of advice. I told you. About me being a top high risk. "

Ayana nods, knowing the city knows who her father is, even c3. The family hates team for locking up non humans like them.

" people are afraid of us, because we don't care. But they are wrong, we do care. They just got to let us in. And if there's someone in danger, if there's someone in danger either a stranger, friends, or a family member... We protect. even though the people don't care about us. But we cared about them and their safety of their lives. And feelings.."

Ayana was starring at him, " so you are saying protect those who are in need. "

Takayuki nodded, " yes I did made mistakes back then but I did those because I protected my family. " he pauses

" and survival..." He nodded.

He told her the reasons why the family hated c3, and he knows that the c3 are coming after him and the family which is not a good sign to see. After their little talk.

Kuro and the others saw who her father was. Which was in shocked to the Servamps.

" I know him. " Hugh spoke.

Which everyone in the group turns to him.

" you know him old child?.." Lawless said to his second oldest.

Hugh nods, " history is a mess so far I know. But what I hear is that he killed 300 people, and committed 110 crimes. He did it to survive and make ends meet. He was on the run for awhile until he meet Ayana's mother. "

" how did you know him?" Misono ask.

Hugh closed his eyes, " we bump into each other, because someone was attacking my subclasses and he saved them. "

Then everyone saw Ayana and Takayuki talking and looking up at the sky. The scenery change, once again. But this time it was at a whearhouse.

Coming next: Chapter 18 it's my fault

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now