Chapter 19 forgiveness

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" I can't believe it...Ayana killed her father.." Misono said.

Everyone was silent, speechless about what they saw. Kuro was silent,

" it was not her fault..." Kuro spoke, " she was drugged by him. He made her do it. "

Kuro made a fist, lawless and Lily and Hugh felt their brothers aura.

' I can't believe he would do that her!! She should not be in that kind of situation!!..' Range in thought of Ayana being used as a weapon.

When he thought about it, an spacing out. Kage came in. He looked at the grouped silenced fell to the atmosphere.

" I see you guys saw it, right?. That's how it happened, with her family, mikuni, and her father. " kage sigh in thought of trying not remember. " it breaks my heart to see her like that. "

" but why she didn't tell us?" Lawless spoke.

" she didn't want to hurt you and find out the truth. And she deeply apologize for that." Kage spoke to them.

Right when Kuro was about to speak, they hear a noise. Kage stared at them knowing it's time.

" it's time.."

" time for what?" Tetsu said.

" Ayana wants to tell you personally. She wants to see you all. "

Then all of them, looked at him. " wait... How can find out who did that to Ayana!.."

" trust her. Know you eve sleepy ash. Because she don't have enough time. " kage told Kuro.

" not enough time?. For what, who!?.." Then with that his vision went black. But heard Kages voice.

" trust her. Stay by her side and the truth of the person will come. I wish you the best of luck, sleepy ash. "


Everyone was back to the room seeing their vision back to normal. Kuro saw everyone and saw Ayana an mikuni.

" your back. " Ayana said to him. Kuro nod. Then he looked at everyone, then Ayana.

She had her head down with a frown. Everyone was quite. Waiting for her to say something.

" I'm sorry..."

" for what. " Kuro said to her.

" for lying to you, to all of you. " she mumble.

" I didn't want you or anyone that I care about to get hurt. I lost one family member, I'm not going to lose another. " she started to cry.

Kuro looked at her with sad eyes, he sigh. And pulled Ayana into a tight embrace. " such a pain... I'm not going anywhere. " she look up to him, with her eyes widened. " I forgive you. " she mailed at him and hugged him.

Then Kuro looked over to the grouped.

" what about you guys?."

" we all forgive her. " licht said to him.

" really?.. Mahiru?" Mahiru looked at Kuro, nod his head as a yes.

Ayana also thought about what happened at c3.

" oh, that reminds me what happened when I was out. "

She look at mikuni trying to give her some initial.

" um about that... When you attack touma. " Mahiru spoke, trying to process this.

" he was bleeding out badly when you attacked him. But then the building started to come down, we ran out and trying to save you. As soon we got he died from the rumble. " mikuni explain to her.

Ayana eyes widened in-shocked, then he had her head down. " what about the rest?."

Hugh and Lily told her that everyone made it out alive, injured but good. Wrath and world end are going to come by later to see what's the news. The c3 members are recovering by the impact of the building that had happened. As for Tsubakis subclass they are in hiding for the time being.

" and that it for so far. Nothing happened yet. " Hugh said.

Ayana let out a sigh of relief. " thank goodness... I'm glad that you guys are okay. "

They all nodded then mikuni spoke, " now, since everyone is all good lets eat. " they all agreed, then Ayana hugged him. She smiled at him, which he smiled back.

Kuro hugged Ayana into a surprise embrace and Ashe didn't expect for him to do next. He smash his lips on to hers, which caught her off guard, but kiss back.

" that's my welcome back gift from you. " he smiled. Ayana smiled and giggle then heard a clear throat.

Everyone was watching them. And saw Kuro kissed his eve, Ayana was embarrassed.

" h-how much you guys saw. "

" pretty much the whole thing." Mahiru spoke to her with a smile.

" you are dating, sleepy ash. " Hugh.

" nii San finally got a girlfriend !!" Lawless hanged his arm around brothers arm. " to troublesome.."

Ayana chuckling by his reaction knowing they are going to tease him more now. Ayana went mikuni and smiled at her, " I'm happy for you, " he told her with a smile. Then look at Kuro.

" sloth, you better take care of her. " mikuni glare at him, Kuro nodded, as a agreement.

Ayana sigh, " let's eat!.." She said then everyone eat and enjoyed the whole night.


Next chapter: Chapter 20 new faces


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