Chapter 8 Regrouping

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Yumi and jun are walking towards the Eve's and groups together with the sloth pair, but told Ayana and Kuro to wait in a room until they bring them towards them. Kuro and Ayana sat on a table, she was worried about the meeting she had with touma.

' .......' Ayana


Touma chuckles, and nods " that's why we keep tracking you down for years, and not to mention u also have another great ability that you have that resembles to your code name.."

Mikuni and Ayana look at him, with a glare.

Ayana look at him, with a questionable look. " what are you ...."

" I'm talking about ur other abilities." He replied to her with a smile. Mikuni saw his reaction and Ayana be his side.

" you mean her second stage?" Mikuni question him.

Touma shakes his head, " no mikuni, but of course her main abilities that she had is incredible but, I'm talking about , " he went towards them, " her third stage.."

She gasped and went towards him, " you do realize that I can use them...". Touma said, then Ayana's aura light up.

" NO. " She said with furry, touma eyed on her movements mikuni glance holding her hands. Ayana stop and look at him, mikuni shook his head saying, ' it's not even worth it'. She sigh close her eyes and calmed down her aura.

Touma notice Mikunis hands r still connected. He hummed in amusement, " mikuni, I didn't know you have it in you.."

" I suggest you stop touma. Before it get ugly. " Ayana look at him.

" you do realize that I can't do that. "

" then I guess we'll take our leave along with the subclass and friends. " Ayana said to him.

Then touma smile devilish smirk, " then if you leave I'll have to kill the one you most dear..."

She gasped, touma look at her. Mikuni widened his eyes and saw Ayana shaking, feel her anger towards him.

" Keep the deal and I'll harm no one.."

Flashback end

Ayana got up and walk back and fourth. Feeling worried about this. Kuro feel her aura growing but don't know why and how? Then her and Kuro heard a door op, and...

"Let me go!! "

" where are you guys taking us?!.."

" Oi!!.." Both the sloth pair hear the groups.

" Ah?! Ayana!! Kuro/Sloth!!" Everyone said as they hugged both of them.

" Ayana chan!!~ Big Bro!!~.." Lawless rand towards both of them. Ayana looked at them with a warm smile, then they all back away and.... " ?? What's wrong with u guys ??" She asked. Saw them staring.

" um...Ayana.." Mahiru called her, she look at him, he was pointed to her. " * looks down *...?!.."

' damn it I forgot I changed clothes!!!..' She turned to the group, and saw their blushing face tint of red.

" mm~... So you decided to show a little more skin~..." Lawless respond. She sweat drop, " Ayana w-why are wearing t-that?.." Misono was curious, and stuttered at the same time.

" did you want to you want to be with a angel like me?.." Licht replied.

Ayana sweat drop then, " that not what I'm here for.... The reason I'm changed like this because I went to talk to who ever was in charge and he wants to discuss over dinner but sadly he's taking no for an answer..." She glance at Kuro who gave then quite a stare.

' k-Kuro..' She thought to him, he sighs. ' ok '

" wait talk to who's in charge?!.." They said.


Ayana explain to them, the whole information, but not every info.

" so that's why?..." Misono

" yes,...and they are planning on killing the subclasses..." She told them then she notice something, " ??.. "

" Where's wrath and world end?? " her and Kuro got worried.

Lawless and Lily Hugh look at his brother. " they got put away in a sail. "

" what?!.." Ayana, Kuro covered his eyes with his bangs. She glance at Kuro who nodded at her.

" we r getting out. " Ayana said to them, then jun and yumi were in shocked, " what?!.. are you insane Ayana!.." Yumi shouted at her.

" yes!!! I'm sick of staying here we all are and we out and even the subclasses!!.."

" you do realize that's not going to happen. " yumi glared at her. She growled at him.

" how are we gonna do that even though we do.." Lily responded, Ayana look towards yumi and jun, " look i know you hate us.." She stated, which shoots arrow towards lawless, " but please help us, and you know it's not good for tsurugi even for wrath and world end, even the subclasses..." Yumi rise his eyebrow, " what are you getting at?.."

She took deep breathe and said, " you help us, and well help you.."

" deal. "

" ??.." Yumi.

" helping tsurugi get out of this place.." Jun said, yumi shouted at him, about helping but Jun told him why. Kuro and the rest gasped, look at each other.

" deal. "

" Ayana?!.."

" there's still inside him he wants out but, he can't get that energy to stand up and fight...." Ayana said. Then everyone sigh and nod their heads.

" are you sure about this?? " the all said, she nodded. Then they notice yumi left angry, " yumi!.."

But jun told her it's ok. " ok so the plan?.." Jun ask her. Everyone look at her and sloth.

" to rescue wrath, world end, and subclasses. Also help tsurugi, and get out of here. "

Coming next: Chapter 9 getting out

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