Chapter 15 Pt2 Truth

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' it's calm... Relaxing, is this Ayana's mind?..' He thought then he heard the others calling him.

" Kuro!!/ Nii San!!"

He saw the others just a few feet apart of him. So he ran towards them. Everyone was their no cuts no injuries.

" are you guys okay?

Mahiru hummed, " but where are we? " he replies an looking around. Even everyone looks around their surroundings. They saw nothing but trees and grass. Just an open empty field. With a cool breeze of wind moving their hair and clothes.

" it's just us.." Licht replies while looking around, " and I don't see Mikuni and his Servamp envy and Ayana." Misono added. Then they all heard a voice, a male voice.

" who goes there!~.." Unknown voice.

They all look at the owner of the voice and saw a black mist. With red eyes staring at them. Kuro looks at it, and the black mist spoke: " why are you in Ayana Sama's mind?"

" we are in her mind. " Lily said in a scared tone. we are friends of hers. " Mahiru reply to the creature. The black mist eyes widen.

" so you are Mahiru. "

Mahiru gasped, " y-you know me?.." The creature nodded. " how?.."

" she comes in and talk to about her situations and stay hidden. " he paused. " oh excuse me, let me change into my form. "

" your form? " Tetsu reply. Then the creature changed from a black mist to an animal. Kuro and the others recognize it. It was just like Ayana's ability when she transformed. The wolf wags its tails, it has black fur and red eyes.

" the names kage. " he introduced himself. Then one of the spoke, but was cut off. " I know who you guys are. Seven deadly sins. And their Eve's. Except two are missing. "

The others were in shocked that he knew. " how did you-"

" I'm Ayana's mind, I know because what's she's hearing I hear as well. " kage replied, then he looks towards Kuro. " and You must be her Servamp. Servamp of sloth. "

Kuro stayed silent, a nod, " I'm gonna get straight to the point. " kage nods, " why are you guys here?.."

" We want to know the truth," Misono said.

" truth?... Ah... The truth about her powers and the situation correct?" They all nodded.
Kage sigh, " that's kinda hard... Because in order for me to let you guys see her memories. I'm the only one who can access it. "

The others frowned, Kuro step forward in front of kage.

" please, show us her memories. "

" Kuro.../ Nii San.."

Kage look at Kuro with his eyes widen in surprise. " you are serious... And demanding aren't you sloth?.."

" if it means protecting my eve, yes. But..." Kuro paused, at mid-sentence. " if she's hurting, I must know. "

Kage's eyes widen and closed his eyes. The atmosphere was quiet, made it difficult to breathe then the others heard kage giggle. Kuro kept a straight face. Determined to keep Ayana safe for her protection. Kage stopped and look at the others.

" Okay, I'll let you guys go since Ayana sans gave me permission. "

" permission?" Hugh. Respond with a questionable tone. Kage nod. " yes since I'm her power and she's the one who controls it. " he got up and started walking but stopped at a certain distance. " however, I'm only allowed to show you 3 memories of her past. "

" her past... Which are her memories.." Mahiru replied. Kage nods. I'm going to be following you along the way while you see it... So until then. " just then he disappeared in thin air.

The others look around seeing if anything changes. Kuro stood their, thinking what will happen. Then they saw a door so they went towards it and opened it. As Kuro touched the cold metal he turns the nob and saw a different scene.

" are we back in the city, " Tetsu said.

" ahh!! I thought he said we will see Ayana's memories?!.." Lawless yelled. As he got kicked by Licht of being annoying. Kuro sigh of frustration. Then he heard a female voice that sound so familiar.

" is that?.." Mahiru, said while Kuro look towards the voice when he saw that the person. His eyes widen.

Coming next:
Chapter 16 hanging out with mikuni and meeting a new ' friend'

A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! ^^

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