Chapter 22 sudden appearance

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A week later

Everything was starting to calm down, C3 was out of their tails for now until they find a replacement for Touma, still no sign of Tsubaki for a couple of months, end have to have to take care of some things even wrath.

While everyone was at Ayana place hanging out, greed pair was staying at her place till lichts manager comes back from some business that has to do.

She agreed to it, then her family meets them both. While everyone at her place, she still has a hint of bad vibes coming. She knows that he is coming soon but her blood pressure is rising knowing that he is out there. When Ayana and Kuro were at the spring place they went home, Ayana looked through the small book that Touma has she still keeping tabs with Mikuni about what's happening.

Kuro was looking at his eve, sensing something was wrong. " you okay Ayana?.."

" huh, yea I'm fine."

She felt kuros hand to hers, feeling comfort. Both of them heard notices from the living room.

" that was mine you demon!." Licht saying in rage.

" why you so anger licht tan. " lawless said to him.

Ayana gestured him to come to the living room, he followed her while helping her carry the food for all of them.


While eating dinner the atmosphere grew quiet, but lawless spoke. " the food is good Ayana chan.~.."

Ayana hummed, " thank you lawless. " she paused then notice something. " misono has not called?."

hough shook his head. " even all of the love, I have a feeling something happened at the alicens."

" you think?.." Ayana asks hough, he closed his eyes and nodded. " possible."

"too troublesome... Maybe we need a break from all of the stuff that has been happening.." Kuro said to them.

" maybe but now C3 is keeping tabs on us since we escape," Licht respond.

" and it's snowing?.." Tetsu added.

All of them looked out.

" it's the power of ours, Servamp and subclass.." Hough respond.

She was thinking about it, while the others started talking about the training and it's snowing in summer. Ayana thought maybe she should tell them about what's been happening.

The small book that she found.

Then she received a call from misono. " it's misono... Hello. "

Next chapter: Chapter 23 saving a friend and returning home

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now