Chapter 10 trouble has come

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" well well look what have we hear~..." Kuro Ayana jun look at the familiar voice.

" ?!?!..."

" tsurugi!!! " jun called out to him. Tsurugi didn't speak to him, Ayana look at him sensing something is wrong.

' Kuro something is wrong here...' She thought talked to him throughout her thoughts. '

Kuro glance at her. ' same but I get a bad feeling about this..'

She glances at Kuro for agreeing then glance at jun and tsurugi, yelling.

"Tsurugi!! Stop this, it's not right!!.." Jun yelled at him, looking towards Kuro and Ayana.

'...... Ayana senpai...'

Mini flashback

" kidnapped...Ayana senpai.." Touma chuckled, blowing out a smoke from his mouth.

" I'm surprised that you still call her that.." Tsurugi looked away.

" so about kidnapping her?.." Tsurugi asks him.

Touma nods, " yes I need you to get her, away from them... Especially sloth."

" you want me to take her to you?? " Touma look at him, nodded a yes.

" yes... We need her, and those idiots are in the way.." Touma told him,

" as soon we got her... What are you planning on doing to her?.." Tsurugi look at him, while Touma smiled softly,

" it's a secret, can you do that?.." Touma put his index figure to his lips, " yes..."

" don't give in.."

Mini flashback ends

' I'm sorry Ayana senpai...but..' Tsurugi went forward towards Ayana, hitting her but jun blocked it.

" Jun!!... " Ayana yelled, tsurugi stare at him. " tsurugi!! That's enough you don't need to do this!!.."

" b-but..." Tsurugi was about to say something back but heard a voice.

" Tsurugi..." His eyes shot up, " y-yes..?"

In another room Touma is watching the show' he made a devilish smirk. Ayana notices the microphone, and notice that Tsurugi is being controlled by touma. She told jun he nods, Kuro was watching his every movement, and protecting Ayana.

" Tsurugi don't give in!!.." She yelled but the voice of touma made it worse, " Tsurugi,... Eliminate Kurumamori junichiro..."

The three were in shocked, Tsurugi was starring at the three duos.

" jun chan..."

He spoke while his body is trembling. Jun got his weapon ready, and glance at Ayana, " Ayana I need you and sloth to go to the group..."

" w-what?! Are you insane?!.."

" Go!.."

But Tsurugi dashes towards jun who was in front of Ayana but he pushes both Kuro and her out of the way, " jun!!.." Ayana yelled.

Tsurugi glance at the sloth pair, " it's ok I got this."

Tsurugi put Kuro down to the floor. Ayana looks at Kuro and did the same with her. She tried to break free but couldn't,  look back to Jin and Tsurugi who were still fighting but, " ...jun!!!.." Ayana called out his name but fell to the floor.

Tsurugi stands there in front of his best friends body, " there is nothing in me... No more.."

He lifts up his head and turned to the sloth pair, Ayana look at him she was a few feet from Kuro.

" one down Tsurugi, you got sloth..." Touma announced to him.

Ayana yelled back, " NOO!! Tsurugi don't do this?!.."

" I'm sorry Ayana senpai... I got to do this.." Tsurugi replied to her.

Kuro widened his eyes and realized what's happening, ' he's going to kill everyone except... Ayana!!..'

Then Tsurugi dash towards Kuro, he closed his eyes but nothing happened and saw something, " ?!.. Ayana!!"

Kuro saw her in front of him. Using her neon powers. She pushed Tsurugi back, he looks at her and saw that she's glowing.

" Senpai...move."

"no! I'm not going to let you hurt him.!.." She yelled, and hear Touma's voice once again, " well that's interesting.."

She growled. " what's that suppose to mean?... Touma.."

" you are protecting someone you cared about..." Touma spoke with a disappointment tone.

" that's not good, you are coming with us, Ayana..."

" huh?!.. Like hell I am!! Let go of Kuro!!.." She demanded.

' Ayana...' Then both of them got interrupted, they both hear heavy breathing.

" Tsurugi, captured Ayana Michiyo and kill the vampires.." Touma gives his next order.

" I'm sorry senpai, like it or not you are coming and sloth... He has to go." Tsurugi replied with a sadistic smile.

" I'm not going anywhere Tsurugi... I'm not letting you hurt him!!.." Ayana protest, Kuro skip a beat.

Kuro looks towards Ayana who is glowing. Then he notices something different.

Coming next: Chapter 11 Tsurugi vs Ayana

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