Chapter 28 why choose the path?

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" nice to meet you, Ayana chan. I see you been keeping the Servamp of sloth in good care. "

The young male said to her keeping a certain distance for her and Yuu. Ayana tilted her head, in confusion but soon she head kuros sins name She recognized him from Kuro Memories and the rest of Servamps meeting. He was their creator.

Ayana was speechless that she is seeing his undead master.

" um,... Youre-..."

He nods his head, " yup I'm all eight Servamps creator. I bet sloth told you huh?" He smiled at her.

Ayana hummed, " he did told me some stuff. But why are you guys doing this?"

Yuu spoke to her, " one, I want you joined me with c3 but as you can tell you aren't taking the idea. So I ran away from c3 and ran into him who created the seven Servamps, to take revenge. "

The creator made a genuine smile, " second, it's what you call pay back should say. All of that I did to them given them a home, a family and this is how they repay me! centuries ago when Servamp of sloth made a deal with C3 to kill me even his siblings that I created! "

Ayana looked at him with shocked, then asked them both another question. " how did you guys made subclasses? Even though you are not a vampire. "

The creator looks at Yuu, he got the hint then told Ayana. " you remember when me and you encounter when I told you that I want you join me on my job. "

Ayana nodded t his questioned, " I struck another needle inside your neck. I don't know how it worked but I got enough for our lil army that we created. When I ran into him he wanted revenge so I decided to join on his revenge. So me and him did a deal with each other. " he exclaimed to her.

" and that plan is what. "

" we take you and joined us on our team so we can create what we desire with your blood. And for your precious Kuro..." He paused as he shook his head, letting out a irrated groaned from him, " as for him, we kill him. " 

She spit at him, Yuu chuckled then slaps her in the face. Ayana yelp at lil by the hard contact.

" you bitch..." Yuu said to her. Ayana looked at him with a hard glare, breathing heavily.

" what about my father?"

Yuu stare at her, " I want him out of the picture because he was in the way. And I'm glad that he fall for that trap that we did. Thank you for that, sweet heart.~"

Ayana yelled, try to reach him but she forgot that they strapped her into a chair. She felt her eyes watering.

" you'll pay for this you asshole!..."

When she told him that they all heard noises outside, Yuu looked out in the window saw Ayanas family, and the Servamps and their Eve's. Saw Ayanas family fighting their subclass.

" there here!... The Servamp and their Eve's are coming in!" Yuu told the creator.

Ayana gasped by the news smiling that Kuro is coming to get her, ' Kuro...'


The eight Servamps and their Eve's ran up stairs to look for Ayana, while her family is fighting the subclasses outside. They went to floor to floor until they hit eight floor.

" what is it?" The mother asked Kuro who stopped running.

He breathe in some of the air that is in the room. ' some great power is here...'

" nii San?..." Lawless

" Kuro what is it?..." Mahiru

" someone's in the way.... We are not alone." Kuro warned his siblings and Eve's. Then heard footsteps towards them.

Immediately the Servamps saw the one person that they didn't expect to be alive. He wore the similar clothing like Tsubaki. His hair white, and didn't age as much but appears to be young.

He smiled at the eight Servamps in front of them. " well well if it's isn't my favorite Servamps. Miss me?~..."

" no it can't..." World end said to himself not believing the fact that their creator was alive.

Lawless was about to bust in tears that he saw his creator. For years he treat them all like family, but to him he was like a father figure. He spoke to his older brother, " nii San, it's...."

The creator saw Kuro, smiling towards him. " nice to see you at last sleepy ash been awhile. "

" don't speak to me like you have done nothing wrong right now..." Kuro spoke in a serious tone. " where's Ayana?"

" oh? Your eve, and my partners ex... She's alright for now. You are lucky one ash, she's a laugh one to pull through. But enough of that I'm here for you guys. " the creator

" how are you still alive for all these years?" Hugh

The creator smiled, " you guys really thought of that huh? About few centuries ago, when ash try to kill by c3 my home was crumble underneath of me and by luck I was still alive. " he paused for a moment, " but... That's when I was meet by Yuu, he wanted revenge with his ex lover, then when I told him my story he agree to joined me. "

The others watched his movements, " I was broken. Hurt that you kill me to approve c3 that I'm in danger to the world! The only way to get my revenge is someone you care about and that is your eve, thanks to Yuu he gave me her blood to get stronger! " he added.

" we have no choice to kill you creator!" Lily

" you have brought to much to this world and trying to expose us!" The mother

" you were trying... To create..more. Which we have to kill you. " Jeje

The creator look at Hugh, world end, lawless. They all three shook their heads, he even went towards Tsubaki who frowned and shook his head. Then his eyes travel to Kuro.

" ash... You are my first creation.." The creator

Kuro didn't speak but went towards him, the group saw this called his name but nothing. The creator watched him closely, but all of sudden he felt a strong fist coming to his face. Went flying to the wall, making a hole. The group saw Kuro hit the creator with a great force, shocking his siblings.

" you... You took her blood, you try to kidnapped! " Kuro made a death glare to him, " you messed with the wrong person, master!..."

Then all Eve's and Servamp, stand be side of Kuro, getting ready to fight. Kuro saw that lawless is joining. He gave Kuro a smiled that he is on his brothers side. Kuro smiled with a nod.

" I'm sorry master. But you took someone that is important to us..." Lawless

" and now you have to pay the price!..." The mother

The creator got up from the hit, and laugh darkened. " such a shame, from all if you! Especially you ash... It's a shame that you are going to be dead for gone!"

Then with that, the group and the creator charged each other.
Next chapter: Chapter 29 Ayana vs Yuu

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