Chapter 29 Ayana vs Yuu

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From the ninth floor Ayana was still in her chair scanning the room to see if there's anything she could get out. Luckily Yuu was guarding the room, and heard fighting down below.

" looks like the creator found the Servamps, and it's going as planned. " Yuu

Ayanna use one of her powers which is neon from her hands. She got out of it charged at Yuu without noticing. Yuu blocked her attack with his sword.

" ?!... Wha!!.."

" what's a matter Ayana? Forgot that I use to use a sword." He said as he push her back. Making her land perfectly land stance. " take my offer Ayana! Together we will be stronger and create something better!"

" this is over yuu!..." She yelled, " you are dead!..." She use her lead which is a scythe from the contact.

Yuu stare at her, " so not taking my offer huh fine so be it. But..." He got into position with his sword, " you are coming with us no matter what. "

Then both of them clash to each other, Ayana swing her scythe at him but Yuu dodge her every move at swing. He cut her through her clothes but Ayana try not close focus, she use her red neon speed to move away from him. Ayana got enough distance between them so she started using one of her powers.

She call out her demon name, " ability: demon of the red!...Come fourth demon of red light!..."

Then came from her hands she summon, her animal forms but in red neon that is in her size when she transformed into an animal form. They growl at Yuu waited for her command.

" attack him!"

They charged at him Yuu killing most of them, dodging them.

She is breathing heavily, " why you choose this path?"

Yuu chuckled, " because of you, Ayana. You took my breath away when we hang out. And not to mention your powers. When I worked at c3 I wanted to do so much better, create what better, throughput my whole life I was put down but you... Brought me that life, that goal that I always wanted to achieve now. "

He charged at her, clashing their weapons to each other. " now since I found someone who understands me. And help me achieve this dream, all three can create something great. "

Both pull back, Ayana stare at Yuu. Then thought of someone she care about. " why? My father, you... You know what family is to me and took that from me! I trust you, that you would never betray me or my family!"

She rise her hand to shoot, neon darts at him but he dodge everyone. Then Yuu came behind her close to her ear.

" but you don't know the past of your beloved father... Right?.." Whisper to her ear.

Ayanas eyes widen, " huh? No I know him! " she snapped and starts shoot darts at him everywhere.

Yuu smiled, " but not enough....let me give you a story shall we.."

He went full speed to her, kicking her in the stomach, Ayana rolled to the ground feeling the pain, in her stomach where he kicked her. Then he punched in the face, as she went flying across the room.

She stood at the corner saw Yuu flying towards her. Went to different corners of the room with her speed. Yuu stood in the middle looking for her, all of sudden felt Ayanna push him through another the roof that is the top of the building.

Both Ayana and Yuu landed on the floor Yuu glance up seeing the perfect opportunity to make his attack. Ayana stand up but was fast with Yuu in front of her and kicked her in the stomach once again. Making her roll on the floor.

" just like old times ...." Yuu said to her. Ayana remembers a flashback when they use to fight for practice and Yuu kicked her in the face and stomach but apologize after words but Ayana forgive home and knows it was practice use. When she came to Yuu walked towards her laying on the ground.

Ayana cough and spite out blood from the two impacts that Yuu made. He went to her seeing she's feeling weak. " now lets continue..." He said starting off the story that he is going to tell her.

" your father use to work for c3... He didn't want to tell you because he doesn't want to lose the relationship that he had with you. He use to work for 10 years but until he notice that they were killing his kind so he quite and left but they refuse him to leave. Then shortly after he meet his wife and his best friend who left with him when he was in C3. " he continued. While Ayana still listening while he got a hold of her hair lifting it. Hearing her screams in pain.

" But when they heard both of them left they kill his best friend then he went on to kill the people who kill him. Soon they had a child that's when he will protect his family at all costs, but few years went by he notice that C3 was watching his daughter Ayana..." He finished explaining to her.

Ayana was shocked and heard the story.

" ....."

She was quite, feeling hurt that her father that she's close to didn't told her.

" now you know the truth and I was surprised that he didn't tell you. Because c3 wanted his precious daughter. " he move closer pinning her down to the floor. Putting the sharpe metal to her throat. "Any last words..."

She give him a death glare, that is filled with hate. " fuck you...I love my father. And for you being jealous to Kuro you aren't the man he is..."

Yuu clicked his tongue rising his sword up, " times up!..."

Ayana close her eyes, waiting for the impact that is coming. ' I'm sorry everyone... I love you... '
Next chapter: Chapter 30 sloth pair vs Yuu

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now