Chapter 24 memories pt 1.

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" you could say that... He's here now. " mikuni said  to them turn his direction towards the doorway. " you may come out now. "

Soon, few seconds, all Servamps and Eve's saw someone that they know of. Ayana got up and look towards the door.

" hello~ everyone~..."

Everyone's mouth drop open, seeing that the eighth Servamp is back in town. Along with his subclass sakuya. Ayana still standing went around Kuro who was seating down in front of a table. She run up to him and hugged him tight, even Mahiru went up and hug him.

Pull back from the hug and went to hug Tsubaki. And pull back to talked to them.

" what happened you left as soon C3 showed up. " Ayana told Tsubaki.

" yea, where have you gone? C3 had been under our tail since you left town. " lawless added.

Everyone was curious even Kuro and his siblings. Tsubaki looked at them then to Ayana taking a deep breathe.

" yea, there's something I need to tell you all. "

They all looked at him. So both Tsubaki and sakuya sit down. " we have more trouble on its way. "

" more trouble what do you mean? " tetsu

" it involves us eight Servamps ..." Glanced to Ayana, " and you as well Ayana chan."

Ayana tilted her head in confusion, " what you mean?" She looked to mikuni. " does this mean?"

He nods, " I believe and what he told me about this information it does not look good. And it seems correct it starting to make sense. "

Everyone looked at them in curious, " okay I'm confused what do you all mean!.."lawless yelled.

" he is saying that he found the creator of Servamps. " sakuya chimed in.

All Servamps were in shocked by that.

" so he..." Lawless

" still alive huh..." Lily

" that can't be! He was dead a centuries ago. Sloth killed him. " Hugh said to Tsubaki.

Kuro didn't spoke, he was shocked that the creator who created them is still alive. He looked at Tsubaki.

" are you positive that he still alive? " Kuro questioned him, he nods in agreement.

" when I went towards the old place I notice a unknown young man. He said he knows him, then he took me to him and I saw him healthy and well. " he paused. " he told me to let us know that, he can't wait to see us and to see you big brother sloth. And finish what he started. "

" so this creator of you guys. " tetsu said to them.

" sounds like he wants to start a war. " misono added, while licht, Mahiru and Mikuni looked at the Servamps.

Tsubaki hummed then he look towards Ayana who was silent. " and I have a feeling you know this person to as well he said that he miss you and remember what you did to him. "

Ayana eyes widen in shocked and gasped, everyone looked at her.

" of course..." She muttered, Kuro and everyone watched her.

" I know who stabbed you, " lust pair looked at her.

" who?.." They all told her at the same time, Kuro watched her listen closely. Mikuni nod his head. She took a deep breathe and spoke.

" it was my ex lover..."

Next chapter: Chapter 24 memories pt2

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