Chapter 6 getting information

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She got up and going to be back, as she got to the front mikuni was there, as long as Jeje.

" mikuni..." He smiled

" hey Ayana,... I've heard that they really making you and sloth trained.."

" yes and it's sucks ass tho..."

She looks at him, " what are you doing here tho?.."

He opened his eyes and notice why he came, " oh, right I came to tell you that I found their data base where they keep their information.."

She widened her eyes, " really... Let's go!.." Mikuni nods and leads the way.

As they were walking it wasn't that far from sloths pairs room, as they were walking mikuni as her something: " ne... Ayana.." She hummed and turned to him.

" what are you going to tell the others??"

" about ' him ' ?.." Mikuni nods.

She look down and thought about it, " idk... I guess waiting for the right moment I guess.."

Mikuni frowned. ' Ayana?..'

" ah.. Here.." He said then opened the door. As they both walk in Mikuni close the door.

" okay, we have 5 minutes to look what we need and get out before they come and look for you. " she hummed and nodded.

2 minutes later....

As they both were looking, Ayana came cross some files.

" huh?.... Is this?? " Ayana spotted something that is shocking. Mikuni went over to her and saw.

" this is your family records.." He took one and look through it. " they have they abilities, their personal info, and also history record of them."

" not to mention, their identity if they human or not... Ayana we are close.."

" what you mean-..?! They might have my fathers history records..." He nodded. So him and her look through the pile correctly.

3 minutes later....

"ugh... Anything?.." She ask Mikuni. He nodded.

" no nothing besides your family records... But other than that..." He said then look at his phone for the time. While he was doin that Ayana spotted something.

" M-Mikuni!..." She yelled/ whisper. He walk towards her and, " jackpot..."

She smiled and he did to then she op it. " * gasp *..... "

" Ayana?.... You found it??" Mikuni ask her, when Jeje look at her. She nods, " it's here all here..... My dads history, and info..."

She started reading it. Then she grab her phone. " what are you doin Ayana?.."

" taking pictures of the information...." Then when she was about to put the files away she saw a note.

Mikuni help her put all the files away where they were at. " Mikuni look what I found.."

He look at her and read it. it says: " for more information on them. Contact the president for more information. "

Mikuni said. ' president?..' He paused and think, " touma.."

" touma?.... So he has them.. Bastard..that means there's more. "

" Ayana, ...."

" why would they put more information on my dad, and...' Him ' ... "

" Ayana!.." Mikuni yelled whisper to her. " that is ur fathers information. But it seems that c3 has more information on him, which cause more than that records. " he stated.

" also why c3 killed him. And why father hates them. I mean I get it why he hates them but he doesn't tell me why tho.." Then she started to cry.

Then she feels Mikunis warmth. " it's okay we are getting the information that you are looking for u r not alone.." She smiled and pulled away.

" thanks Mikuni...." She smiled even him.

"Anyway I'm gonna take a picture so I can go get that information..."

" what... Ayana that's suicide..."

" I can't give up Mikuni..." She replied.

" I've spent so much guilt for 4 yrs... I need to know why my father is dead.... What he did for his final moments...." She made her hands into a fist. " I need to why.... He went out there.... A-and why ' he ' showed up and betray me..."

Mikuni stand there put his hand on her back. Then he look at his phone. " shit... It's time ready?..." Ayana nodded, as she put the files back.

As they were walking, one of them spoke, " at least we found out more about him..."

Ayana nodded. " true..."

' almost there guys.... Just a lil more longer I promise....'

Coming next: Chapter 7 touma

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