Chapter 16 hanging out with mikuni and meeting a new ' friend'

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Memory 1

" Mikuni!!.."

He turned around and saw the person called his name. He smiles who it was.

" Ayana, where have you been? You've kept waiting?~" she breathes in an out.

She stretches her arm and cracked her back. And hit Mikuni at the arm. They both laughed.

" that's Ayana and Mikuni" Mahiru.

" but do they see us?.." Tetsu questioned. Kuro shakes his head, " no we are in her memory. " then Kuro notices both of them walking.

They all started following them. Kuro feels the atmosphere calm, friendly.

While they are walking, talking about their day. Which Ayana was at practice with her family, and Mikuni getting fresh air an meeting with Touma, about issues and such. Which he told her that he was a c3 member but she didn't mind because she senses a calm vibe from him.

And he knows that the history of her and family not so great with c3 he showed her the place but that didn't go well since they were drama from the members and from his co-workers.

" he still wants you to join. " Mikuni told her. Which she already knows from whom.

"as I said I'm not going to join that hell hole and I'm glad you quite for the recorder. " she winked at him. Which caused him to giggle.

" yes and yea he told me that if you join you'll be great peace to the family. " that made her laugh. " family more like a prison. "

" yes and don't let them get to you. " she nodded with a smile.

So, Mikuni ask her a question. " hey, do you want to come to my place?"

Ayana starred at him, raise her eyebrow " huh... Sure why? Is Johan bugging the crap out you and destroying your dolls."

She asks him, which Mikuni clicked his tongue. Ayana grinned at him by the last question.

" first of all, yes and yes he really needs to stop. And second they are not dolls, Ayana. "

" but they are except for Abel~.." She holds Abel like a kid would hold it. Mikuni saw how she hold Abel which made him smile. After a minute she places her back to him.

" Okay, but that's not the point..."

She turns to him, " what you mean?"

both stops walking. " he's at the house waiting for us. "

He informed her. Ayana gasped and told Mikuni the faster way to get is her powers. Which he didn't mind even Jeje. So he holds onto her and she ran full speed' jumping building to building, landing safely to Mikuni's place.

He opened the door and looked for him.

" guess he's not here probably he went out for a bit. " Mikuni said to himself. Ayana hummed then Mikuni spoke again.

She stands near the counter, Mikuni looks at her as if she's thinking about something.
Ayana caught on and spoke.

" what?.."

" nothing you spaced out. " Mikuni said to her, which her face Is red a little.

" n-no... Why do you think that? "

" your face is red... And you are not keeping eye contact-.." He stops and grinned. " Oya... Your blushing~"

He teased her, then she snaps. " okay okay!... I ... Like him. "

" Ayana are you sure? .... You know how your family gets when you invite someone to the family, especially a guy who's gonna be by your side most of the time."

He exclaimed her, which she mad a tick mark on her forehead. She nods, " but I want to move on yes I'm going to school and no Mahiru and the others don't know and I really do care for him. Plus isn't your idea that we meet~.."

Mikuni nod at her, " yes and a bad idea for me.." He stopped and close his eyes. " okay. "

" huh?.."

" you got my permission but---..." Ayana waited for him to answer. " if he doesn't treat you right I'm gonna get on him on it. "

Ayana eyes wide, " Please don't..."

Mikuni chuckles a lil, " okay okay but just so you know I'm here for you okay. If you need anything... I'm always open. " he smiled at her as he put his arms over her shoulder.

" and I mean always... Always available~...." He winks at her. Which she laughs at him and took his arms away.

" okay okay, I count on that and as if!!" She pushes him away which cause both of them laughing until she heard the door open and both of them saw their friend.

In the middle of the room, the others saw how happy she is. Even Mikuni.

" so that's their relationship huh?" Lily.

" it's like he's her ride and dies partner. " Lawless said.

" yes, they are. " kage said to them as they all jumped by surprised. " what are you doing here?!" Misono.

" to see if you guys are ready to see the next memory of Ayana's. "

" wait for next memory. " kage nod his head. " these are the relationships that she had close to her. As you can tell Mikuni was one of them. He trusted her, and she trusted him by her secret. "

" why she didn't tell me?.." Mahiru.

" because she was afraid that you would leave her. You guys saw from the beginning how they went here. It was loyalty and trust that they bonded. She didn't mean to hurt you Mahiru she trusts you just... She didn't want to hurt you. By her powers. " kage informed him Mahiru nodded. Then he saw Kuro watching Ayana laughing and smiling at Mikuni.

Then the scenery changed from Mikuni's shop. To a house.

" where?!.." Lawless said. Then they all saw red neon coming towards them.

Coming next: Chapter 17 family time

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