Chapter 30 sloth pair vs Yuu

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" now you know the truth and I was surprised that he didn't tell you. Because c3 wanted his precious daughter. " he move closer pinning her down to the floor. Putting the sharpe metal to her throat. "Any last words..."

She give him a death glare, that is filled with hate. " fuck you...I love my father. And for you being jealous to Kuro you aren't the man he is..."

Yuu clicked his tongue rising his sword up, " times up!..."

Ayana close her eyes, waiting for the impact that is coming. ' I'm sorry everyone... I love you... '

Yuu was about to slash her since he put poison on the the tip of the sword. To make her fall a sleepy. But he was push off of Ayana. And hit to the ground getting up he saw someone unexpected to see.

" you!?..." Yuu yelled at the person who intervened.

Ayana look up saw the man she is happy to see. " kuro!..." Her eyes sparkle with happiness to see him.

Kuro got her up from the ground. " you okay?"

She felt him worried from the tone of the voice, she smiled. " yes I'm fine. You?"

Kuro nod at her, " yes i am. Now that I'm here by your side. " he kissed her. Then look at Yuu.

Then he yell at Kuro, " you?! I thought the creator was dealing with you!! "

Kuro shrugged, " I already deal with him, me and my it's you. "

Yuu glared at both of them, he chuckle darkened. " no... Ash your time is up. "

He pull out a needle both Ayana and Kuro saw it and recognize what it was. Ayana gasped when Yuu put the needle to his skin in his arms.

" it my blood..." Ayana

Yuu nods," with a very lil about for me and the creator but since he is dead. It's just for me..." Soon the blood was in his system his guess started to show more.

Kuro turned to his eve, her injuries are healed. " you ready kuro..." Said in a serious tone.

Kuro hummed, " such a pain... But let's do it!"

Ayana reach her wrists to his mouth, calling his name. "Kuro!.."

He bite her wrists, showing chains connected to each other Ayana got her lead and Kuro extended his fingers into claws. Yuu stare at them, then charged to them. Ayana and Kuro swing at him but making Yuu dodge every single swing, Yuu punched Kuro in the face making him go flying to the back of the room.

Ayana look at Kuro but saw Yuu running towards her clashing his sword to her. Making her lose her balance and losing her her weapon. She saw him jumped in the air aiming at her.

She clenched her fist and teeth, activated her neon powers with fast speed running to her lead grabbing it. Mixing with blue and red together, she got her scythe she pull the scythe back, then neon darts starting to appear in the air.

Then in the back of her Kuro ran to her jumping in the air and swing his large claws with full force to the darts making the, go full speed towards Yuu. But Yuu started to hit the roof up above them and rumbles falling to them making it as a Sheila for him to protect.

" did we?..." Kuro said breathing heavily. Seeing the smoke disappear.

Ayana shook her head seeing he was not there, " no he's not..."

But all of sudden Yuu appear out of no where but he slash his sword with the chains that is connected to Kuro and Ayana. Making them both separate from each other, Ayana fell from the floor and Kuro did the same.

Ayana eyes were starting to blur but she see that Yuu is walking towards Kuro rising his sword at him. Eyes started to widen then fear.

'No....' She clenched her fist.

Remembering the times that Kuro and her had. She got her neon back and started summoning her powers to get a weapon in her hands.

Yuu stand in front of Kuro, his eyes started to blur but he saw Yuu hovering over him.

' THIS IS IT!...ah!..' Yuu thought then he felt a sharp pain through his stomach, he look down saw blood dripping.

He glance back saw Ayana behind him, her eyes not brown but changed to red orbs. Anger fill in through her. Kuro saw the whole thing, he try to get up but couldn't move.

Ayana breathing slightly, not speaking but tears starting to come down. She pull out her sword from yuus back stepping back seeing him fall to the ground. Ayana went towards him, seeing that blood flowing throughout his body.

Yuu breathing slowly, looking at Ayana. " did...that?"

Ayana stand there in silence, " why indeed, you took everything from me Yuu. You use me as bait to take away my father, even my friends. " Tears starting to come out.

" but...I love.. know..." Yuu

Ayana shook her head, " no Yuu. That's not love, it's jealousy And envy. You took that trust from me, even Mikunis trust for hurting me. Now... It's time to go." She started crying in tears, " I trusted you.."

Yuu was slowly breathing he saw her brown orbs one last time, " was interesting to be part of your life Ayana....I..will always love you..."

Then Ayana put her sword that is glowing with neon, to his chest. She saw how weak he was, seeing through her. She pushed the sword to his chest and hear his last breath.

Ayana turned to away from Yuu, and ran to Kuro trying to get him up. Kuro saw his girlfriend/ eve crying to his shoulders, he patted her back trying to comfort her.

" thank goodness you are okay, Kuro...I'm sorry..." She said to him sobbing. Kuro shook his head, " no it's not, you protected me and I know what's coming when I meet you. I love you. And I'm glad you are okay. "

He told her, he transformed into a cat formed then hop onto Ayanas arms. Both of them started walking to the exit, Ayana glance back to yuus body and seeing his body turned into mists. She's guessing it was from her blood that was inside him, she close her eyes letting out a sigh then proceed to walk to the exit.

She finally got her wish and a huge weight was lifted her shoulders. Soon they made it outside Ayana and Kuro saw everyone standing outside waiting for them. Her family went towards her hugging her' even her friends.

Mahiru and sakuya went up to her hugging her.

" you okay Ayana?" Mahiru told her.

She hummed with a nod. Sakuya hugged her. Then her mom went to her seeing the bruises. That she had.

" I'm glad you are okay, Ayana. And your father is happy for you. " Akari told her. She wiped her daughters tears and see Nanami smiling at her.

" let's go home..." Ayana

Then everyone agreed and felt relief that everything is done and finished. The eight Servamps let out a sigh, looking back to the building where they kill their creator Kuro glance back seeing a mist going to the sky feeling his presence is finally gone.

' thank you for everything... You may finally rest...' He said in thought of his creator, as he look up at Ayana smiling to him.
Next chapter: epilogue: home sweet home

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