Chapter 21 new moments

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Hot springs
Everyone was in the hot spring at tetsu family business. Relaxing after the fight with c3 , the ones who are in the springs are lust, greed, pride, and navy pairs.

" ah~.. This is the best~.." Lily sounded relaxed.

" yea, finally got some rest from the fight. This is what we need." Hugh.

" thank you for us coming sendagaya. " misono said to him, he nodded, " it no problem."

Eve's and Servamps were relaxing enjoying the the atmosphere when lawless spoke.

" is it a good idea for nii San, and Ayana to be dating ?"

The Servamps were quite, because they have a contract that has to fallow but it's different for kuro and Ayana. Licht spoke to them.

" why you said that?.."

" because... I don't want him to be broken again, like I did. " lawless said with a frown remembering the past of his first love.

Mikuni listening to their conversation, thinking about her. And her safety about what going to happen next.

" I'm sure their fine, plus kuro is in love with her. " lily said with a smile. Misono turned to looked at lily.

" really? Lily, and how can you be so sure. "

Lily told him that he is the Servamp of lust, so yea he is sure. Everyone agreed and misono spoke again.

" speaking of, where are they? "


In one of the rooms in the hotel, kuro and Ayana are laying down enjoying the peaceful an quite place that they are enjoying. Ayana resting her head on kuros chest.

" Ayana, you are feeling better?.."

She nodded, " yea better finally get to relax. " she got up from the bed, " and get away from that place. "

She held kuros hand as he got up, " I think it's such a pain tag along with my brothers an Eve's. "

" and why is that?.." She raise an eyebrow at him. Kuro scratch the back of neck. Remembering what his brothers did couple days ago when they told them they are dating.

" they were teasing, saying I finally asked you. "

" they knew?.."

" apparently they knew long ago, to troublesome. " Ayana giggle at him, " it's okay plus, I'm glad we came."

She smiled, kuro looked at her, " so we can be teased again?. We should've gone to your place and stayed there. " said being lazy tone like.

She shock her head, then kissed him on the lips, he kissed back truning her over while he is on top of her. Kuro deepened the kiss, with closing the gaped between them kuro held Ayana's waist. While Ayana wrapped her arms around his neck, then her hands automatically went to his locks of hair.

With things about to get heated, lawless opened door and saw them.

" nii San!! " lawless yelled at him, which they stopped.

" such a pain, buzz killer. "

Lawless gasped then everyone went in the room. Throughout the night they all hangout that day. And sleep over, but to Ayana she was smiling at the moment right now.

Mikuni walked up to her seating down next to her. " I see you are enjoying the day. " she smiled.

Mikuni chuckled, nodding " yes actually, I get to hangout with misono too."

Ayana saw him smiling, feeling happy then she remembers what's next, " he's coming huh. "

" apparently, he is and in that book what we found it showed that he is coming to town pretty soon. But don't know where. "

Ayana nodded, seeing kuro begging hugged by licht in his cat form.

" it's almost time... " Mikuni looked at her, " take it easy on your health Ayana. Well start training again. "

She nods, " but first let me enjoyed this moment. " she smiled seeing everyone laughing and smiling.

Both Mikuni and Ayana nodded, and cheers, seeing their friends enjoying themselves.

Later at night

Kuro was sleeping next to Ayana with his arms around her. Time to time he looked at her sleeping face.

Quick flashback

" Ayana wants to tell you personally. She wants to see you all. "

Then all of them, looked at him. " wait... How can find out who did that to Ayana!.."

" trust her. Know you eve sleepy ash. Because she don't have enough time. " kage told Kuro.

" not enough time?. For what, who!?.." Then with that his vision went black. But heard Kages voice.

" trust her. Stay by her side and the truth of the person will come. I wish you the best of luck, sleepy ash. "

End of flashback

Kuro thought about it, ' not enough time?.. For what?..'

He thought about it, he heard Ayana moving around trying to get a comfortable spot. Looked at her, kiss her head.

' I promise, that I will protect you.'


Next chapter: Chapter 22 sudden appearance


Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now