Chapter 5 feelings for each other

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Ayana can feel another a pair of lips attach to her, which that pair of lips belong to Kuro.

Then Kuro pulled back and watch her. As he saw Ayana in a blushing mess. Then he tells her his feelings that has been eating him for awhile, " Ayana,....I know that a Servamp can't fall for their eve, because it's forbidden. But I love u...not just as a friend nor a Servamp, but more than that..."

" k-Kuro.." He breathes in and out, " what I'm saying is I love you more than anything...would u accept my feelings?.."

Ayana was silent by this sudden topic, but she didn't care she cared about Kuro, she loves hanging around with him, she loves talking to him, she loves him... But then she thought about it and thought what would happen if he found out? Will he still accept her? Then she took a deep breathe and spoke, " I love you, Kuro..."

Then Kuro kiss her again, he losses his grip on her wrists a little then he licked her lips for permission for an entrance. But Ayana wants to know will happen if she declined. She did it, but Kuro wanted more, so he has to go deeper. He saw that Ayana was wearing a skirt, so he placed his free hand on her thigh and stroke it up wards towards upper body. Ayana gasped by his action then he took his opportunity to take it. As he slides his tongue into her mouth and both of them battling as Kuro explore every inch inside. Ayana moaned a little because she feels his hands touching her skin every inch.

Kuro parted from her lips leaving a trail of saliva, both breathing heavily. Kuro traveled to her kissing multiple spots, finding her sweet spot. While he pins her to the bed, hearing her moan a little louder than before.

He finally found it, then started bite on it gently and sucking it. Ayana wanted more from Kuro she couldn't resist, as she was going through his hair as he was finished finding her sweet spot, which he pull back and look at the little love bites that he made and he even mark her on her neck. As they were about to go forward, they heard a knock on the door, they both stop and listen.

But Ayana got up as Kuro huffed that they were interrupted, so he watch Ayana went to the bathroom, and Kuro went to get the door.

Then he wished he had not op it, " tch, what ate you guys doin?"

At the bathroom

Ayana was getting herself clean up, because of you know what. She did everything and stop what she doin and look at the mirror to see to marks that Kuro made. She touch her neck and blush.

' even though I hate to covering it, I have to...' She thought as she pulled out her make up bag and start doing her magic.

By putting on powder and foundation on, you can rarely see the mark. As she got done she went out and saw Kuro and the three duo.

" what are you doin here? "

Yumi spoke and stand up, " we are here to get you guys because of training..."

" again?.."

Jun replied, " yea but this time it's weapons.."

' omg..' Both Kuro and Ayana though, then tsurugi got between them, " let's go!!~.." Then they were both being dragged.

The group

This sucks!!" Lawles spoke, while licht is playing the piano.

" shut up demon... Be quite would ya.." Licht said as he eats.

Lawless look at his eve, and sight " whatever we need to get nii San and Ayana chan.." Licht hear his Servamp,

" ok but how we can't even op the door except Ayana and mr cat.." Lawless agree with but then he thought of and idea.

He got his phone and dial the group except his brother and Ayana since they took her phone away, in which they didn't. They told them that. Then he dial his brother all of love.

" hello?.."

" hello all of love?.."

After training

After they were done Kuro and Ayana went to their rooms. Kuro in his car form, laying on her head. As they both walk in Kuro was sleeping in his cat form on the couch while Ayana relax on couch then she got a  text from mikuni saying meet me at the front door.

She got up and going to be back, as she got to the front mikuni was there, as long as Jeje.

" mikuni..."

Coming next: Chapter 6 getting information

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now