Chapter 12 separated

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After that, Ayana started walking and meet them on the other side. But she felt a huge pain on her side, she looks down and saw it.

" damn,... If I don't get this wound treated I'm not feeling good by the time I get to them..." She said to herself, as she uses her healing to heal herself on her side wound. She took deal breathes and proceed walking keeping her eyes op.

' I hope the boys are ok... Even Kuro...'

The boys

They keep walking and looking for any survivors. As they keep walking Kuro kept his mind on Ayana. 

" are you okay Kuro??.." He turned to see who called him and saw Lily.

" yea....just, worried for Ayana.." He replied. Lily and lawless, look at their brother feeling worried. Lily notice his expression Change when they left. Lawless notice it too as well. As they were about to tell him something they smell trouble up head.

" ....... " silence.

Kuro was first to spoke. " Tsurugi..."

Tsurugi stands there, and beside him was Touma. He grins, " my, Look what we have here.."

Kuro hates what he was seeing, " what do you want....?!.." Misono said to him.

Touma glare at the group while Tsurugi stayed silent. Tsurugi felt a hand his shoulder and saw Touma, " Tsurugi,..."

" yes.." He said shaking. The others saw Tsurugis state.

" kill them. "


" *heavy breathing *......omg how long is this fucking hallway...." She said while holding her wound.

After she left and look for another side to meet up with others she kept walking and her ability is out of energy.

She sighs heavily, with disappointment.

" first, I'm bleeding. Second, I'm freaking lost in this place of hell...."

Then she decided not to use it for now on...

Few minutes later.....

A few short of walking she saw a door. She quickly ran to it and open it, but as soon she went in she found out who this is.

" it's Touma's office.." She replied then, she went to his drawers looking for first aid kit.

" found it...ok here we go..." She sat on a chair and start treating her wound.

Then something catches her eye, files. She hummed, then mover papers out of the way.

' these are the file of the people who worked here...' She thought to herself.

Then she figures if these are here, he must have her records here and her family as well. So she did, she went through everything his desk, bookshelves, everything he had.

She sigh of frustration then she went to his liquor department.

"I need a drink...."  She opened it, grab the liquor of her choice.

" ??.." she notices something.

" a hidden place??." She said she placed the drink on the desk and opened the small door. And saw papers of records.

" found it!!.."

She went to the desk and went through it and she found the Eve's, the Servamps, and hers Even kuros. She sat on the chair drinking and notice a small notebook.

Ayana tilted her head in curiosity, she grabs it and opened it. " this is.."

She went Through the pages, " it's him?! I found it?!..." She yelled.

As she went through she notice that every page is filled with information and where he will be and his next move. Ayana notices that every page is filled her and Mikuni,....but mostly her.

She went to the last few pages and found out, " he..." She dropped the book on the desk. With fear.. 

" was here..."

Then she felt a huge pain in her chest..

' Kuro...'

Coming next: Chapter 13 greatest weapon

Servamp: friendship and family! ( Book 2 )  Where stories live. Discover now