Chapter 15 truth

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Next day

The others made it out of C3 HQ, everyone catching their breaths and go meet up at the house. Which is the Mikunis place

Misono pout' " why are we going to your place anyways?!" Mikuni stays quiet and made a smile.

" because we have to misono don't complain... Plus," he paused at a mid-sentence and stared at Ayana's body. " I have something for Ayana. "

The others look at Ayana who is being carried by Kuro. Kuro looks at him, " what you mean you have something for her?." He said while holding her.

" let's go I'll tell you guys everything- I mean we will tell you. " mikuni said to them.

The others look at each other and nodded.


A few minutes later they made it to Mikuni's place, as they entered the place Kuro placed Ayana in the bedroom. So she could feel better. Then Mikuni and the others came by to check on her. Then they saw Mikuni have small bottles, with an injection.

Kuro looks at him and spoke, " what is that?." Mikuni glance at Kuro and the others.

" it's for her calming to down. Especially what just happened. " Mikuni explained.

" when she was fighting with Touma. " Mahiru said.

" when did this happened?.." Kuro question Mikuni. Mahiru and the others are curious as well. But Mikuni looks at them and towards Ayana. He promises her that she will tell them.

" you have to hear it from Ayana. " So Mikuni continue with what he's been doing. So he and Kuro and the others decided to wait.

As they were about to leave they notice Kuro staying put beside her. Lawless sigh and went to him. He put his hand onto his shoulder. Kuro glance at him as lawless nod his head. Then both Kuro and lawless left the room.


Ayana was laying on a bed resting after she had let out one of the most powerful abilities that she had. she started to open her eyes when she saw a white ceiling.

' what happened?..' She thought that a pain of memory of what happened appeared.

' ?!..'

She got off the bed and went out of the room and looking for the others. Then she saw a light downstairs. She went and hear chattering. In that room, she saw Mahiru Kuro Misono Lily lawless Licht Tetsu, Hugh, and Mikuni an Jeje.

" guys..." Then everyone heard a familiar voice, saw Ayana awake. They gave her a huge hug.

" We were so worried..." Misono, Mahiru, she gave a small smile to everyone and she notices that everyone was here, but...

" where's Kuro?.." She said then right when she was about to speak she heard a familiar voice.

" Ayana.." She turned to the owner of the voice and she saw Kuro, she ran to him and hug him. Kuro was taken back by her surprise then hug her back.

Mini skip

" so I guess you heard huh?.." Ayana first one to speak. They all nodded.

" yes and,..." Mahiru was cut off. " you have to explain to us what happens back there?!" Misono replied.

Ayana look at him then look down towards the floor. " it's not that simple."

" Ayana chan we won't get mad. " Lily said to her. She looks up and gives a small frown. And nod. " okay I'll tell you guys but it's hard to explain...."

" how!... Ayana, I know you all this time and you won't say it or come out. " Mahiru

" because it's emotional Mahiru!!... You don't know!!! For so long I wanted to tell you, to you guys but I can't..." She paused. " why?.." Licht said to her.

" because every time I get close with someone they will get hurt... And I don't want that.." She said in a crying tone. Kuro saw her reaction even the others. Kuro held her hand, she looks up and saw.

" it's okay we won't get hurt or mad. need to trust us Ayana, especially me.." Kuro confessed to her. Ayana saw the worried in his eyes, and the others agree. She turned to Mikuni who nods.

Ayana sigh, " okay but I can't tell you. " the room fell silent. " but I'll show you. "

" what you mean big sis Ayana. " Tetsu said.

" I'm showing you guys what Touma means by ' Devils red light '."

She raises her hand and snaps her fingers. Then the next moment everyone fell asleep. Their vision turning black. Mikuni walk towards her,

" are you sure it's a good idea. " she looked down at Kuro, starting to pet his hair.

" I want out of this truth I'll show them everything but not everything." She said to him then she looks down to Kuro who is laying on her lap.

' just a lil longer Kuro. I promise...'

Inside Ayana's mind

Kuro was laying on the ground, feeling pain through his body. He stands up an saw a different scene. " where?..."

' it's calm

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' it's calm... Relaxing, is this Ayana's mind?..'

Coming next: Chapter 15 Pt2 Truth

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