Chapter 1

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

"Run!" I scream before taking off in a full sprint. My buddies and I were spray painting a set of lockers at school when the alarm went off. Letting out a few cuss words while gathering the evidence. Good thing we each brought a duffle bag with us. As soon as the alarm goes off it notifies the local police. We had about five minutes to get our shit and leave if we didn't want to get caught. Five minutes was more than enough time for us to escape. Lets just say we've done this many times, so we've had a lot of practice running from cops.

We were'nt just the bad boys of the school; we were the bad boys of the entire town of Avon. Although we were pretty well known for our "bad boy" reputation at school, we never seem to get caught by the principle or even the cops. If they can't prove we are the ones who did the crime then they can't punish us. It was as simple as that. We were great at making sure to leave no evidence behind and not get caught by security cameras.

It all started three years ago when Chad moved to Avon. The summer before our freshman year we bonded over all the stupid pranks we did. At first it was just silly pranks on the tourist that came to visit our town, then it turned into so much more. That summer we also met Russ and Kian. The four of us were a team. One would come up with a prank idea, then the other three would form a plan for it, that's just how our friendship is. Don't get me wrong we do other things than breaking the law. We skate and go to the beach just like every other teenager does. We want to look back and laugh at all the crazy fun things we did when we were teens. Unlike all these other teenagers who when they look back all they will rememeber are the times they got drunk at some stupid party. But not us. We will be able to tell the crazy story of when we spray painted a colorful design on the lockers of Avon High.

Although we never seemed to talk to anyone other than each other. We were pretty popular at our school I guess you could say. Theres just something about being a bad boy that makes people interested. The teachers on the other hand weren't too fond of us and our pranks. This is why we spent most of our time in detention, not that were complaining. We love detention its like our own little class with new vistors every once in a while.

Honestly I think the school just have up assigning us classes. They used to try to spilt the four of us up. I suppose they thought that would make us behave. Which it didn't, if anything it made us worse. This led to us getting kicked out of class and all meeting up in the detention room. Now I know you're thinking detention sucks why would you want to go? Well my friend, the teacher who holds detention is a pretty chill guy. In fact we even became friends with the guy, so basically it was just a hangout place for us.

Our junior year hasn't been any different. Except for our pranks, they've become more creative you could say. Also maybe the add on of one more person in our friend group, but you'll find more about that later.

Now back to us running from the cops. Thank god Chad has a quiet car that is also black. When we do pranks at night like this it becomes pretty helpful. We all jump into the car and take off before the doors are even closed. "That was awesome!" Russ yelled. "Come on dude, you act like we've never done something like this." I say. "I know, I know but this time was one of the best we've ever done!" He screamed back. I just roll my eyes, that guy was crazy but you gotta love him.

Since it was friday night we planned on crashing at Kians house instead of going home. On our way to his house we decided to stop by dairy queen right before they closed. Whats better than getting ice cream after running away from cops? I have to say its one of the best feelings. Your adrenaline overcomes you and you just feel so free. I loved doing this, so did the boys. This is why we all got along so well. Everyone at school was either too busy partying or too chicken to do stuff like this. It was nice to know that these guys right here would be up for any crazy idea I might have. Even if it ment breaking the law.

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