Chapter 24

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~Sage's P.O.V~

I don't know why I didn't let Pierson in sooner. He's literally my life now. If someone had told me a few months ago that we would end up dating I wouldn't believe a word they said.

My goal when I came here was to stay far away from the bad boys. Now he seemed to calm down a bit and only does a few illegal things.

I have to admit he's even got me to attend some of his illegal plans. It's pretty fun it's such a rush. I kind of understand now why he used to do that kind of stuff all the time.

We aren't like those relationships you see on twitter all the time. In fact we try not to be like those relationships. They are pretty annoying in my opinion.

We have our own style when it comes to relationships. But he does like to text me mushy things ever once in a while. Which I mean isn't bad it's kind of nice to wake up to a sweet text ever once in a while.

Like the one he sent me earlier made my stomach burst out in butterflies. Even though we had only been dating for two months he still makes me so giddy when he talks to me.

Now we are sounding like such a typical twitter relationship but it's true. I think I might actually love this boy. As much as I didn't want to fall in love here; or even be happy here, I did anyways.

My mom was still out working her butt off. Well that's what I thought until I got a call from the hospital a few minutes ago.

I was fixing myself an after school snack when they called. I know my mom hasn't been much of a mother to me since we've moved here but that didn't mean I didn't care.

I'll always care about my mom no matter what. She's the one who birthed me damnit. But this was one call I never expected to get.

My had never been much of a drinker; at least not in front of me anyways. Apparently that wasn't the case anymore.

The nurse I talked to on the phone said that she was in critical condition and that I needed to make it there fast. Before I could ask anything else she hung up.

I rushed to the hospital. I'm not one to speed but I definitely did right now. As soon as I made it into the hospital a nurse came up to me to explain the situation.

My mom had been at a bar excessively drinking all day long instead of going to work. She was very out of it but thought she was good enough to get behind the wheel; and so she did.

She was on her way home when she ended up driving up on the sidewalk hitting someone then continued to run into a brick wall.

When she ran into the wall the car was smashed all the way to the front seats. They had to cut her out of the car but she was already unconscious.

At this point I was bawling my eyes out. I couldn't believe my mom would be stupid enough to get behind the wheel. But not only was I pissed that she did that but that the people behind the bar let it happen.

My anger quickly passed when I realized that she could be dead. That I could lose my mom at any second. That's when it really hit me hard.

My mom could never wake up.


Hey guys! Sorry for the shorter chapter. I wanted to leave it as a cliff hanger and i've been really busy this week with school and my uncle passed away Monday so its just been a long week. Anyways I hope yall have a good day!!

-Savanna :)

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