Chapter 15

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~Sage's P.O.V~

Finding someone else to talk to to get my mind off Pierson was surprisingly easy. Ryan from my history class asked me to come sit with him and his friends at lunch today. He's a really sweet guy and not to mention hot. I don't know why girls aren't all over him he's the whole package. Although Ryan is a great guy my mind keep slipping to Pierson. If only I could trust him I could be sitting with him right now rather than Ryan. So much for having a distraction.

The rest of the school day went by super slow which sucked. Kelly was out sick so I had no one to talk to in any of my classes really. I skipped my last bell figuring if I got in trouble my mom would never find out. Even if she did I wouldn't care it's not like she's home to notice what I do now a days. Another reason why I should be living with my dad. Plus I wouldn't have to deal with Pierson if I stayed with my dad.

I hadn't been home long before someone was knocking on the door. Contemplating whether or not I should answer the door, I head downstairs. It was a surprise to see it was Pierson standing at the door. Before I could say or do anything he started to pour his heart out to me. Doing the only thing that seemed logical to me at the time, I slammed the door in his face. Believe me I wanted to believe he was telling the truth but I couldnt. You dont just give up your reputation in a few weeks. I just couldnt forget his past because if he did it before than whose to say he wont do it again.

Deciding it probably would be better if I stayed talking to Ryan. I threw the flowers on the table running up to my room. Ryan is sweet and would never hurt me. He doesnt seem like the type to use you and then leave you. Thats the exact type of guy I was looking for. It just seemed easier to trust Ryan since no one had anything bad really to say about him. Even the teachers seemed to love him so you know he does well in school. He almost seemed too good to be true. Dismissing that thought I texted him.

It's been a long time since I've felt butterflies over a guy but it seems to a normal thing with Ryan. And Pierson I thought to myself. I was starting to realize that I won't be getting Pierson off my mind any time soon. Heck I should be texting him and not Ryan. Did Ryan just come pour his heart out to me? No but he is really sweet and trustworthy. Cutting off my phone just so I could escape the world for a little while. Sometimes it's nice to just be by yourself with no one trying to talk to you so you can think. I opened my laptop playing my favorite playlist on 8tracks.

Listening to music and laying on your bed is like a mixture for falling asleep. It wasn't long after I had turned on the music that I was knocked out. Sleeping was great at letting you forget things for just a little bit. Unfortunately as soon as you wake up its back on your mind. I hated that I let things bother me but I couldn't help it they just do. I've always been that way letting stupid things get me down, stressing me out. Hopefully as I get older that will change. I doubt it though but one can hope.

It was midnight when I woke up from my nap. I turned my phone back on seeing if I got any texts. My heart sunk when I didn't see a text from Pierson. I know it's crazy but I was hoping just maybe he would text me begging for my trust or something. Technically that's what he did this afternoon when he brought me those flowers. But I was hoping he might keep trying to win me over. It's selfish of me I know but I just wanted no I needed someone to fight for me to stay in their life. I'm always the one to fight for them to stay in my life. Just this once I needed someone to do that for me.

The only texts I received were a few from friends back home and a hi from Ryan. Still not wanting to talk to anyone I locked my phone heading down to the kitchen. The flowers still laid on the table where I left them earlier. They really were beautiful. Wow I'm really stupid for letting him go. Why did I think it was a good idea to slam the door in his face? Seriously the dumbest idea I've ever had.

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