Chapter 14

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

Now that me and Chad had worked it out the other night weve become even closer friends. I told him him about how I felt for Sage and how im losing her, even though she was never really mine. With Chads help I came up with a Plan to get her to trust me. Trust is key in any relationship, friends or not and I knew thats exactly what she wanted from me. Chad told me the first thing I needed to do is give her some space. Which I reluctantly have been doing the past couple days. I wanted to talk to her so bad but I knew she needed time to think, so I backed off. Little did I know that meant her talking to another guy. I've been sitting with the boys again in order to stay away from her. But when I looked over I couldnt believe my eyes. Sage was sitting with the one and only Ryan Conte. 

I've never had a problem with this guy until this very moment. He was a ladies man just like myself except he played the "good guy". Which he clearly wasnt, he is worse than me. He has this whole nice guy act going on like he would do no wrong to a girl. But he is nothing like that he seeks out a girl he's interested in and then traps her until he gets what he wants. Once he does then he leaves them without another word. Most girls know better than to fall for his spell but a few do. He mainly targets new girls or the nerdy type since he knows they wont tell. While the new girls have no idea about his reputation. Knowing everyone would'nt believe the new girl saying shes just seeking attention; he keeps his good guy act up. 

If Sage thought he was a good guy compared to me than she was so wrong. I can't believe she would go out with him instead of me. I needed to stop her and fast. Knowing she probably would'nt believe me if I told her straight up that he was no good. I had to come up with another plan to win her trust a lot sooner than I thought. Just one problem though; I have no idea how to do that. Chad realizing i've stopped adding in on their conversation nugged me on my shoulder. I didnt give him an explation instead just pointing towards where Sage and Ryan were sitting. His eyes growing wide when he realized why I became quite. 

"Hey guys me and Pierson are gonna go get some food. See ya later!" Chad quickly spit out an excuse to Kian and Russ rushing out the lunch room with me. 

We ended up in Chads car just driving around trying to think of what to do. Everything from Chad telling Sage to me bribing Ryan to stay away. She doesnt know Chad so that idea was clearly out of the question. While bribing Ryan sounded like a great idea I knew he would realize I had feelings for her, causing him to want to presue her even more. Everything we came up just didnt seem like it would work. Pretty much giving up we decided to stick with our original plan minus the staying away from her. Cause god knows that didn't work out. We ended up just not going back to school since we knew we would probably get caught trying to go back in. 

I had been laying in bed listening to music when an idea hit me. Grabbing my keys I rushed out the door starting my car. I picked up some flowers before heading over to Sage's house. Knowing her mom probably wouldnt be home yet I rang the doorbell waiting for her to answer. To my surprise she actually answered the door. 

"Sage, I just wanted to say im sorry. I should have known with my past you'd probably wouldnt believe anything I've said. But I promise I would never use you like I have other girls. I truely care about you and never want to hurt you." Letting my own guard done, I poured my heart out to her.

If she didnt believe me now then I dont know if she ever will. When I was done with my little speach I handed her the flowers. Hopefully this would make her come around. Maybe even make her forget about that jerk Ryan. Thankfully she took the flowers from me before slamming the door in my face. Well thats not what I expected at all. I knew it wouldnt be easy getting her to trust me but I was hoping this would have worked. Apparently not. 


Hey guys sorry I didnt update last night I ended up going to the hospital to see my uncle and didnt have time. Im going to see him again tonight but i'll try to post another chapter later. Love you guys! <3

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