Chapter 27

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~Pierson's P.O.V~
We arrived in New York a little after 2pm. The drive wasn't too long but it definitely was one of the best road trips I've ever been on.

Sage was just happy to be in New York but little did she know I was taking her to a concert as well. We checked into our hotel room just long enough to put our things in the room then left.

Finding places to eat surely was not a problem here. You have so many places to chose from. The only problem is we couldn't decide where to eat.

After walking a few blocks we stopped at a pizza place for a late lunch. It was only a few more hours until the concert started so I took her shopping to pass the time.

Don't get me wrong I hate shopping but she's always wanted to shop in New York so I wanted to make sure she got a chance to do that. I didn't want to tell her about the tickets until the very last minute. If she found out now there is no way she would have focused on shopping.

She dragged me to all the different stores till my legs hurt. But every time we walked into a new store her eyes would light up in pure excitement. Definitely worth the leg ache.

At 5:30 I finally stopped her to tell her where we were going.

"You know we didn't just come to New York so you could shop right? I'm taking you to a 5SOS concert too."

That's when she lost it. She started freaking out hugging me and jumping up and down like a crazy person. I think I might have made her cry a little bit too.

She was so excited she wasn't even able to ask when it was. I took her hand and began leading her towards where the concert is. And yes I made sure she got there a little early so she wouldn't miss a thing.

Plus I knew she would want to fangirl with all the other girls waiting in line as well. As soon as we got into line she had already sprung into conversation with another girl.

It's adorable how excited she is. It started out as just Sage and the other girl and then next thing I knew it was a big circle of fangirls. They were all discussing their favorite band member and song.

If they were this excited before the concert I can only imagine how excited they will be when we get inside. Finally Sage turned back around to me and held my hand.

Once we got to our seats I told Sage I was going to the bathroom and get us some water. She seemed not to mind because she was fangirling with the girl next to her.

On my way to get water I bumped into this girl that happened to not be watching where she was going. Id be lying if I said she wasn't pretty. All of sudden she started babbling about how sorry she was for not paying attention.

She was adorable. Me being me I decided to give the girl my number and told her to text me later tonight.

Then I was off on my way back to our seats. A lot of people would say what I just did was wrong but what Sage doesn't know won't hurt her right?

The concert was pretty awesome I have to admit but what was even better is the girl that bumped into me texted me right after.

Two months had gone by since the concert in New York. Me and the girl, Kaylee, have been talking ever once and a while since then. We found out that she lives a town over and planned on hanging out soon.

I told Sage that I was going to go surfing with the boys this weekend so she wouldn't suspect anything. I met up with Kaylee at the ice cream place right off the beach.

We ended up getting a long really well. Not to mention she was extremely pretty. Not once did I mention Sage while we were hanging out.

I walked Kaylee back her car and decided to just take a chance and kiss her. The simple goodbye kiss ended up turning into a make out session in the back of her car.

Fixing my hair and clothes I made my way back home to Sage. Walking inside I quickly went to go take a shower to wash the smell of Kaylee off of me before Sage found out.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't expect me cheat on Sage with Kaylee. That concert just made me realize that I honestly don't want to be tied down.

Being in love is fucking scary and I don't think I could handle it. So Kaylee will be the one to take my mind off of it.

Hi loves! So here's a bit of a plot twist! Sorry for not updating Friday I had a bit of writers block! So this story will be over in 3 more chapters plus I'll add a epilogue.

Also I may be posting a few times this week if I'm not too busy! Andddddddd I'm already planning on starting a new book so look out for that as well! Love you! Xx

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