Chapter 25

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~Sage's P.O.V~

Just when I thought things were looking up this happened. My mother passed away on Friday at 9:36pm.

I didn't think it would really hurt me this much since she wasn't really there ever. But honestly this has to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through.

Not only was I planning my mothers funeral but I had to make arrangements for where I will be staying from now on.

I won't be turning 18 for another month so I will probably sent back to live with my dad again. It's exactly what I would have wanted eight months ago when I moved here.

Honestly now that's the last thing I wanted to do. Crazy right? The things you thought you wanted before turn out to be what you don't want at all.

The one person I would have wanted through all of this would be my mother. Not the one who caused her death but my mom when I was younger. She was always trying to make sure I was okay. I miss her.

Since I couldn't talk to my mom I called the next best person, Pierson. The phone rang twice before he picked up. As soon as I heard his voice I broke down. I told him what happened through sobs while sitting in the waiting room.

Before I could even ask he was on his way to the hospital to come see me. Twenty minutes passed before Pierson finally showed up.

As soon as he walked through the door I ran into his arms. I really don't know what I would do without this boy because right now he's everything I have.


~Pierson's P.O.V~

I was hanging out with Chad when my phone started to ring. Usually I would ignore it but it was the ringtone for Sage. She barley ever calls me. She hates talking on the phone so I'm always the one calling her.

So when I heard her ringtone I knew something had to be wrong. I dropped the things I was carrying and immediately answered the phone.

I was shocked to hear about her mothers death. I never really got to meet her mother but I knew a few things from what Sage has told me about her.

Usually it was bad things but you could tell she loved her mom a lot even though she treated her like shit. That's why I was headed to the hospital right now.

It took me only twenty minutes to get there but it felt like an hour. I knew she needed me right now since no one else here would be. We haven't been dating long but I really did love this girl and would do anything for her.

I know right now all she needs is someone constant in her life that will help get he through this and that's exactly what I planned to do.

Right when I stepped foot into the waiting room Sage ran into my arms. We stood there for a good ten minutes before she let me go.

She told me how she was scared about what will happen next. Where will she live? What will she do about her mothers funeral? Will she be sent back to her dad? She was worried about so many things.

"Tell you what, let's move in together." I said while pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. At first she was shocked then her face flushed with relief.

At first I didn't think she would agree but from the look on her face she seemed to be okay with it. Since I was already 18 and she was only a month away from 18 we could get our own place. I'm sure my parents wouldn't be too happy with my idea but when were they ever happy with what i've done. So why not give them another thing to be mad at me for.

I needed to do this for Sage so there was no way they could tell me I couldn't do this. We will both have to get jobs to help pay for rent but I think we could make it.

A week has passed since Sage's mom passed. I think the hardest thing for her was going to her moms funeral. But now she seemed a little better. She has been staying with me at my parents place until we can find a place of our own. I've been checking in the papers and online to hopefully find us a place.

Of course everyone was against us living together but who cares? We arn't the only teenagers to do this and we certainly won't be the last.

Hey guys sorry for not posting last week! This is a bad update and kinda short but oh well. Thanks for 600 reads! And 27 votes that's freaking crazy. Love you guys!

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