Chapter 29

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~Sage's P.O.V~
Leaving Pierson was the hardest thing I've ever done but I knew it needed to be done. Obviously I didn't mean as much to him as he meant to me.

It still hurts to know while I was waiting at home for him he was out with another girl. I'm not sure what makes people cheat all I know is I will never do this to anyone.

I packed my things leaving him a note and my key to the apartment. The next step was to find myself a new apartment. Hopefully it wouldn't take long since I had no where else to stay.

Now I really was a lone. No Pierson, no mom, and no father. All I have is my "friends" at school. But soon they will be gone too when we graduate in a month.

Maybe ill just move away from here and start a new life. That sounded very appealing right about now.

This pass month flew by. It was finally graduate day and I would be leaving this place for good in a few hours.

Pierson tried talking to me on multiple occasions but I just blew him off. Only two more hours and I'll be leaving this place with all it's bad memories.

The only person I told about me leaving was Chad. Although he was best friends with Pierson I still keep in touch with him. He's probably the only person I'll miss.

Graduation a really long time it seamed but it finally was over. As soon as it finished I didn't look for my family like everyone else did. None of my family bothered to show up so I went on a search for Chad to give him my final goodbye since I don't plan on coming back here for a very long time or ever really.

Finally after ten minutes of searching I found him with his girlfriend.

"Hey Chad I just wanted to say goodbye before I left" I say while reaching to give him a hug.

"Sage, I'm gonna miss you a ton. You gotta come back sometime." He whispers in my ear, giving me a squeeze.

"We'll see" And with that I was on my way to Seattle. Who knows how long I'll stay there but for right now that's where I was headed.

~Chad's P.O.V~
Shortly after we graduated Sage came up to me. I wasn't sure if she was ever going to come back here once she left.

As soon as she hugged me goodbye I ran to find Pierson. He needs to know she's leaving so maybe he can stop her. He knows what he did was wrong and I don't think he will ever forgive himself for it. He still tells me everyday that he fucked up and that he still loves her to death.

If only he had realized that when he had her. Now he was going to have to fight for her love back which he may never get back. But he won't know unless he goes after her.

Hey guys! I'm planning on getting the last chapter up tomorrow! Thanks for almost 800 reads! That's crazy! Love you! xx

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