Chapter 12

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

Just as I was about to kiss Sage the stupid tide had to come in. The cold water came rushing up onto us, causing her to scream and jump up. So much for our first kiss. We were really hitting it off I felt like. There would have never been any better time to kiss her than right then.I guess it wasn't meant to be. Maybe she didn't even want to kiss me. The more I thought abpout it I knew that wasnt true. She wouldnt have leaned in if she didnt want to kiss me.

Grabbing her hand I ran back over the sand dune so the water wouldnt get us again. As soon as we made it to the other side she busted out laughing. I couldnt help but smile at how cute she was when she laughed. Her hand still in mine I pulled her close wrapping my arms around her waist. Looking up at me with her brown eyes with a smile on her lips, I kissed her. I could feel the smile still on lips as we kissed. She wrapped her arms around my neck running her fingers through my hair. It had to be the best kiss ive ever had and let me tell you ive had quite a few.

Much to my displeasure she pulled away keeping her arms around my neck. We just sat there our eyes locked for what seemed like hours. Finally I spoke. "Let me take you out."

"I don't think so." She said surprising me.

"And why not?" I asked her trying to hide my disappointment.

" Ive heard about what you do to girls. I'm not like all those other girls, Pierson."

Her words stung no doubt about it. We just had this amazing kiss and now she's refusing to go out with me because of my reputation. I mean I know I have taken advantage of many girls but I would never do that to Sage. I needed to figure out a way to get her to trust me so she'll know she's not like all those other girls to me.

"I know you may have heard a lot of bad things about me but it's not like that. I just want to get to know you." I tried defending myself.

She just shook her head and walked away leaving me at the end of the dune alone. I knew it wouldn't be kind before it started to rain but I couldn't get myself to walk home yet. Her words still nagging me. I was angry with myself why did I have to carry around this reputation still? Yes maybe me and the boys would make bets on who could sleep with the most girls but that was the past. I feel bad about that now; for taking advantage of all those even though I knew I shouldn't have.

I never planned on doing it again. Heck I wouldn't have done it in the first place if I knew it would cost me Sage. I wasn't just about to let her go so some other guy could swoop in and break her heart. Or worse take advantage of her. Making myself a promise that I would never let Sage be taken advantage of by another guy I started on my way home. Mentally cursing myself now for running so far from my house. It was starting to drizzle as I took off running down the beach towards the house. Hopefully I would make it back before I got too wet. It being November made the rain pretty chilly when it came down.

A slammed the door shut to my room once I made it upstairs. I was so angry not to mention upset with myself. I know I haven't known Sage that long but I knew I could let her slip away. She looked so hurt before she left me there. I've never felt this way before over a silly girl. Usually the girls mean nothing to me. When I hurt those girls feelings I didnt give it a second thought because I didnt care. I know I was wrong for that. All I thought about is what I wanted, not how it would affect the girl. I made myself another promise to never hurt another girl like that again. I was so stupid for doing that. Those girls will probably never forget what I did to them. Some may even have put up walls because of me. It made me wonder who the guy was that caused Sage to put up these walls. Maybe it was what she heard about me that caused her to put up walls. But I seriously doubt it. You usually dont put up walls unless something happens to you causing you to build them up. 

Thankfully Chad called me bringing me out of my thoughts. Before I could even say hello he told me to meet him at the abandoned house. Chad and I found an abandonded house two years ago when we on our way to do a prank. Ever since it was our secret hide out place whenever we need to get away and just talk. Throwing on a sweatshirt I made my way to the house. 

~Author's Note~ 

Sorry for the late update! Im hoping to put up another update later tonight! :) 

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