Chapter 22

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~Sage's P.O.V~ 

I was just about to lay down and read a fanfic when my phone goes off. Which was unusal since who ever calls anyone anymore? Except for like our parents now a days. To my surprise it was Pierson; I answered it right away thinking he might be in trouble. 

Before I knew it I was throwing on a pair of sweats and a jacket heading to starbucks. He seemed pretty worried about something when I talked to him. I wonder whats wrong. It took no time for me to get to starbucks, in fact I was early. I walked into the store and ordered a carmel frappuccino. Typical white girl I know, I know. Shortly after Pierson walks through the door. 

What I didn't expect is to see what he was holding in his hands. My journal. I can't believe he has my journal. He was one of the main people I hoped never saw my journal. It's so embarassing and now he knows everything. Everything i've been trying to keep from him. Now im vulnerable and have no way of changing that. Honestly, I dont know what to feel. I know I should be furious and be yelling at him, but I just couldn't seem to do it. 

"Sage, I know you're probably hating me a lot right now; but please just let me explain." He begged me. I just nod my head for him to continue. 

His explaination was pretty lame but I understood why he did it. It wasn't a good reason at all but I mean I really did owe him for what he did for me the other night. So I can understand as to why he took the notebook even though it wasnt right. I know it's probably the stupidest thing you've ever heard. But think about it now I wouldnt have to face the embarrasment of telling him these things face to face. He's already read it; well most of it according to him. 

Any other sane person wouldnt have forgave him for this but something told me I shouldnt hold this against him. After all he was one of the only people here that actually wanted to get to know me since i've moved here. Unlike most people who treated me like shit because I didn't grow up with them. 

Anyways off topic. There's just something about him that makes me trust him. I could tell he was surprised that I didn't freak out on him. I figured he would be happy that I wasnt mad; instead he was mad that I wasn't upset with him. If this was anyone else in my position they would be pissed; but im not everybody else. If only he would understand this. He needs to understand that im not going to react like most people or even like things that are "normal". 


Hey guys sorry for another very short chapter. I've kinda lost inspiration for this story and i'm thinking about writing a different one in letter form because I kinda really like those kind. But I will be finishing this story pretty soon I think maybe at chapter 30? Idk how long it will take me but hopefully soon this story will come to an end. OH! Thank you for 307 reads! Thats fucking crazy! 

Lots of love, Savanna<3

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