Chapter 11

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~Sage's P.O.V~

I was little surprised to see my mom never came home last night. She normally always comes home even if its the early hours of the morning. Honestly I was really worried about her since she is almost never home anymore. It was bound to happen that she just not come home at all.

My mom never being here was really starting to take a toll on me. I was mad, sad, and not to mention confused. Why did her job take up so much of her time. I dont remember it ever taking this many hours of her time when her and my dad were together. It made me so mad because I knew she probably didnt have to spend all that time there which left me a lone a lot. What kind of mom left their child all by themselves in a new place they just moved? Seriously dont know why the courts decied to make me stay with my mom. Clearly my dad would have been the better parent to take care of me in this situation. Good thing I would be turning 18 in a year. Then I could move back in with my dad.

I went on a run down the beach thinking about everything that has happened since I was forced to stay with my mom. We were non stop fighting when she first got custudy of me. She was so angry with the way I was acting that she thought it was a much better idea for me to start a new life at a new place. Not like I had a say in it at all because I am only 17. Now I was stuck in a new place with basically no parental supervision at all. In most cases that would be every teengers dream but it was pretty lonely. I tried to think about reasons why my mother was never home. I ruled out working extra hours since my mother hated working and would never work over the hours she required per week. This meant she was doing something else which seemed kinda fishy to me.

That's the part that bothers me the most. Your own mother lying to you about why she never has time for you. I had run about two miles before I needed to catch my breath. As I was walking closer to the shore something gray caught my eye in the sand. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I walked over to gray piece. When I got closer I realized it was a t-shirt. No one was around to claim the shirt so I took it with since it was an All Time Low shirt after all. They have to be my favorite band of all time.

I shook the sand out of the shirt before taking off running again. I've never been this far down the beach before so I decided to go into some of the shops along side it. Of course there were many surf shops and even a few gas stations which were filled with tourists. I never really realized how annoying tourists could be until I moved here. It's like people go on vacation and lose their minds.

I bought a few shirts from one the surf shops that I thought were pretty cool. The store I went into was amazing. It has surf boards around the sides of the entrances door. Then as soon as you walked in all the walls were covered in surf boards that you could purchase. Every once in a while you would come to a spot where a board was missing from where it was sold. But the boards made the store really colorful, giving it a unique feel.

Lost in the amazing view of the store, I hadn't realized someone was standing behind me. To my surprise it was Pierson, a shirtless Pierson that is. I had to admit he was hot. He had nice arms and his stomach was showing the start of slight abs. He was the perfect shade of tan. No wonder so many girls drooled when he walked past. I'm sure girls didn't care about him being a player but I did.

Lost in staring at him I hadn't realized he said something to me.

"Uh what?" I stuttered, looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"I said how's it going beautiful?" He said with a smirk on his lips. "I see you found my shirt... Mind if I get that back?"

Before I could even come up with a response he was reaching over me grabbing his All Time Low shirt. Mouth hung open in surprise I asked him if he really liked them.

"Hell yeah I do! I love them. Their songs are so catchy and nothing like the over played songs on the radio." He started going on about them.

"I have to admit I'm shocked you're into them, Pierson."

"And whys that sweetheart?" Another smirk playing across his lips.

"I don't know." I said trailing off.

"Like I said sweetie, there's a lot of things you don't know about me." And with that he grabbed my hand dragging me out of the cute surf shop.

"Where are you taking me?" I let out as he picked up his pace.

"Somewhere to have the best time of your life." Figuring I probably wasn't going to et anymore information that what he just have me I stayed quiet for the rest of the time.

We had to have been walking for at least a half hour before we finally got where he was taking me. It brought me to this amazing spot that looked almost untouched. There was signs everywhere that said keep of sand dunes but we ignored them. Walking up over the sand dune we sat at the bottom. There wasn't very much sand separating you from the cool ocean water. It was still pretty warm out here for November but the water was starting to become pretty cool.

Sitting at the bottom of the dune the water coming just inches from our feet. We talked for hours about anything and everything it seemed like. If I was being completely honest I was really starting to trust him. He told me about the things that bothered him and about his friends and family. I told him about my dad and how I forced by the courts to stay with my mom. I even told him how I thought she was sleeping with someone instead of coming home spending time with me. We had really bonded over the few hours we were sitting there.

Next thing I knew his green eyes were looking into my brown ones. His face just inches from mine. He moved a piece of hair behind my ear moving closer. Just when he was about to close the distance between a cold rush of water came running up onto us breaking us apart.

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