Chapter 13

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

It took me about 20 minutes to get to the abandon house where Chad was waiting for me. I could tell just from the look on his face something was wrong."Hey what's up man? What's wrong?"

Chad never really gave me a straight answer he just looked out the cracked window across the room. Sitting down on the couch we brought here a few months ago I sat I silence until he spoke.

"I feel like I'm losing you dude. You never want to hang out let alone do pranks like we used to. I can't tell something's been bothering you it's just nothing's bothered you this much before where you forget that you even have a best friend." He gushed.

I hadn't realized me staying to myself for a while was starting to upset him. I have to admit I felt pretty bad about it. We promised to never let a girl get between us. Technically we weren't fighting over a girl but a girl was causing us to fall apart. I really need to figure out what I'm gonna do about her.

~Sage's P.O.V~

I kissed Pierson! Never would I have thought that would happen. I was very anti Pierson since I heard how much of a player he was. Not to mention he was a bad boy who didn't give a shit about anyone else. Did I mention he was the one who spray painted those lockers? Yeah real mature don't you think.

I'm glad I left when I did after we kissed. If I had stayed any longer he probably could have convinced me he had changed and wouldn't hurt me. But I knew better than that. Guys lie to get what they want. I couldn't forget about that. Never would I forget when I found out Mike had been lying to me our entire relationship. I was broken when I found out. I had overheard one of his friends at school telling someone that the only reason Mike was going out with me was to try and get into my pants. At first I didn't believe it because who dates someone for six months just to get into their pants? Then I found out he was cheating on me during those months since he couldn't get it from me. From then on I haven't had a boyfriend because I have a hard time trusting guys.

Which honestly I think every girl can relate to some extinct. Unless you're just lucky and every guy you've dated was trustworthy. That's the thing about bad boys, you want them even though you know they are no good for you. It's like just maybe you'll be the one to make him change his ways. But don't get your hopes up because they usually never do. This is why I refuse to let Pierson get to me.

When I got home my mom still hadnt come home. It sucks. I really wanted to talk to my mom right now since I dont really have any friends here to talk to about this. Honestly really need to find friends here since I'm going to be here for another year. One very long year. I can't wait to graduate so I can move back to the mountains. It must be the closer you get to graduating the more you think you're ready to be on your own and get away from where you live. Before I moved here I was longing to graduate from my old high school to move to the middle of the state. But after moving entirely across state I knew I didn't want to leave the mountains. I miss home; why would ever want to leave? Not to mention I would be by myself. Well I guess that wouldn't be so bad. Heck I'm doing it now when I'm supposed to be under my parents rule still. But as you can tell lately I'm not. I could do anything I wanted really.

Thinking about this kinda makes me sad because I really do miss my mom. Usually I could go to her about these kinds of things. In fact she's the one I went to when I found out what Mike did to me. But now when I need her she not here. So much for this being a mother daughter bonding like she said it would be. You can't exactly bond with someone when you never see them.

Thinking about my mom not ever being here took my mind off Pierson for a bit. Not long enough though. He seems to be popping up into my mind all the time lately. It drives me insane. No, he drives me insane! He's so sweet but he's a player. He's not good for me yet he's everything I want. Kelly has told me none stop to stay away from him. Which I want to but I can't myself to do it. He's been sitting with me at lunch everyday, which doesn't make sense because I'm sure he has other friends. I mean didn't they miss him? Another reason I shouldn't like him because if he was willing to ditch his friends for me then wouldn't he be willing to ditch me for weeks on end for his friends? I don't think I could handle that. If we were to become a thing he couldn't just up a ditch me at random times. The more I thought about it I knew what I needed to do. I would find another guy to get my mind off him. 

~Author's Note~

Sorry I didnt post last night I was suiper tired. But I think I will start updating every night. Whatcha think? I think ima try it since I wont be able  to do that when school starts back up at the end of this month, ugh.  Love you guys! <3

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