Chapter 6

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

Me and the boys made our way to McDonalds like we always did Monday afternoon. The boys were so caught up in what they wanted to get that they didnt notice the new girl, Sage, sitting across the room. Thinking if I wanted to make my move, now would be the perfect time. I slipped away from the boy unnoitced and made my way towards her. 

I plopped down on the bench across the table from her. When she looked up and realized it was me her eyes instantely filled with hate. Not gonna lie that hurt. I didn't want her to hate me she didn't even know me yet. I introduced myself trying to make small talk. Also while trying to smooth talk her so maybe she would forget me pushing her down earlier. 

As always she would return with sassy remarks. I knew she was trying to come off uninterested and not rude so I kept talking to her. When she started to give me one word answers I knew she wanted me to leave. To tease her I left to go get myself some food so it would seem like I was leaving her alone. Lucky for me she was a slow eater, so she was taking quit a while to finish her meal. Once receiving my meal I made my way back towards her. As soon as I sat down again she rolled her eyes. The more she tried to reject me the more I wanted to make her change her mind about me. 

Almost every girl would throw themseleves at me, so this was a new thing for me. I'm not a player I just catch the girls attention. What can I say girls have a thing for bad boys. Sage was a challenge that I had to win. There's something about wanting something you cant have. 

I could tell she was trying to rush to finish her food. Even when she was stuffing her face she was cute. I couldnt help but smile at her. Once she finished chewing her last bite she quickly got up. Disapointment washed over me. I couldnt let her leave me for the second time today. 

Unforunately, she ended up leaving me behind again. This time I watched her leave, kicking as she headed wherever she was going on her light blue penny. So she was a skater? Hm. I would have never guessed that. She didnt seem like the skater type to me. But hey I wasnt complaining she was one of the few girls here that enjoyed it instead of surfing. All anyone wanted to do around here was surf. Surfing isnt everything you know. But I guess thats how Avon survied from all the tourist that came here to watch the "amazing" surfers compete. 

At least once a month during the summer, Avon held a surfing competention. This led to thousands of tourist coming down here during the hot summer months. They took over our beloved beaches with their pale skin and stupid floral button ups. You can always tell when they arnt from here because they always seem to stay out in the sun too long, causing them to burn. 

The conversation I had with Sage at McDonalds made me make sure I talked to her at school tomorrow. Maybe I'll actually stay out of trouble long enough to see if she was in any of my classes. 


I took extra time this morning getting ready, incase I ran into her again. I ate my breakfest quickly before running to my car. At our school it was normal to get there 15 minutes early to catch up with each other before class starts. I always met the boys in front of the gym in the morning. Everyone had their own met up place once they got to school.  

The boys started discussing what bell we should meet in the detention room. I blocked them out like i've been doing a lot more lately. Tunning back into their conversation when I heard Russ say my name. I guess I hadnt realize the guys were trying to catch my atenttion for a while now. 

"Dude whats wrong with you? You've been acting strange since yesterday." Russ said, while Kian and Chad nodded in agreement. "Nothing, just got a lot on my mind, I guess." And with that they left it alone. I was determined to be on my best behavior today so I wouldnt get kicked out of class. I knew I could do that because I usually did it on purpose just to meet the boys. The hard part was going to be not leaving when the people in the class got on my nerves. 

There had been many times when all I wanted to do was get up and leave one of my classes but I didnt just incase Sage happened to be in one. I didnt know whether or not we had any together, since I skipped yesterday. I was just about to give up in my third bell when all of sudden a short girl with long brown hair and deep brown eyes came rushing through the door. She apologized for being late, saying she couldnt find the class to save her life.

I couldnt believe my eyes. I had third bell with Sage.

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