Chapter 17

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~Sage's P.O.V~ 

When I over heard Pierson say yes to hanging out with Kelly after school I was crushed. I didn't realize how jealous I was of her until then. So much for forgetting about him. It's time for me to make him jealous. 

Figuring being with Ryan would make him go crazy, I sat with him at lunch. Just before the bell rang dismissing lunch I grabbed onto Ryans shirt. I pulled him down to my level and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, recieving a few hollers from his friends. 

Making sure I turned to look at Pierson giving him a smirk letting him know two could play at this game. Apparently kissing Ryan earlier was a mistake because he kept trying to kiss me from then on. 

Don't get me wrong he was a great kisser but he was taking it over the edge. I guess he got the wrong message when I kissed him. Did he not see me look over my shoulder to Pierson when we stopped kissing? Obviously that kiss was just for show. 

But like I said he thought that was a free ticket to try to makeout with me when we hung out after school. A couple times he got a little handsy as well. What happened to the sweet guy who was afraid to even give me a hug? It obvious he has had quite the practice with kissing so I don't understand why he acted shy. There was just something about him now that made me not trust him.

I'm not sure if I should keep hanging out with him when no ones around, or ever really. I hate that he keeps touching me. No matter how many times I asked him to stop he wouldn't. Finally when I couldn't stand it I went home. Thankfully I haven't showed or told him where I lived yet and probably never will now. 

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. Apparently I was supper tired because when my alarm went off this morning I didn't hear it even though I fell asleep early. Unforunately for me this caused me to be late for school. Not to mention left with no ride to school since I had no car and the bus of course had already gone by. 

I had no idea who to text asking for a ride. Everyone goes to school 15 minutes early and Kelly and I werent exactly talking right now. I know I had no right to be mad at her since she didn't know I liked him or anything. But still she was ditching me for a stupid guy so that goes to show you how true of a friend she is. 

I guess in a way it was good because it forced me to try to find more friends. I met Jay and Terri in the process. We instantly clicked when we talked. We had so much in common and they agreed that it was wrong for Kelly to ditch her friends for a boy. Plus she has changed a ton in the last week. Shes been dressing skimmpy and clinging to Pierson like his third arm. 

It was pretty clear that Pierson was starting to get annoyed by her from his facial expressions. I guess his plan kinda back fired on him didn't it? Well sorta since it did work to catch my attention. But then again I couldn't say anything since it had made Ryan get pretty touchy feely as well so it back fired on us both. 

I ended up just riding my penny board to school. I got there just in time for third bell. Walking to my locker to put my penny board away, I was stopped by Ryan. He invited me to go to a party with him on Friday. Figuring there would be a lot of people there I said yes. He wouldn't try anything on me if there were a ton of people around right? I hope not. 

School is always so boring until lunch. We had an hour lunch so we could work on school work or visit teachers if we needed to. Of course no one visited their teachers just finished their homework from the night before. Homework is so stupid as if we don't do enough shit during school. 

I always did my homework the night before so I could spend an hour not doing anything at school. It was a nice little break from class and seniors could leave campus if they wanted. I really could not wait for that next year. 

Once the clock turned three I was out the door. On my way home I stopped to buy some double stuff oreos. They are my absolute favorite and I haven't had them in a while so I figured why not. Finally I was home turning on the surround sound. 

I almost forgot about the party Friday when Ryan texted me. While jamming out to a cover by Emblem3 I picked out my outfit.

~Author's Note~

Hiiiii! I'm so happy that I got this up before tomorrow morning. Dont be surprised if I post another chapter tonight. I have a few ideas so it should be a lot easier to write another chapter today if not more. :)

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