Chapter 20

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Pierson saves Sage from being raped at a party. He spends the night at her house so she doesn't have to stay at home alone after what happened. While staying at her house he finds a journal with all of her thoughts in it.

-End of recap-

~Sage's P.O.V~

I don't think I've slept that good in a long time. I guess feeling safe when you sleep does that to a person.

Pierson was still there when I woke up this morning which surprised me the most. He seemed like the type of guy who would leave the girl before she wakes up. Honestly though I'm glad he didn't leave. After last night I viewed him in a totally different light.

I've never been so grateful for someone before. He was there for me when it felt like no one else was. Of course I had Jay and Terri but it just wasn't the same. The only person I would rely on to tell what I was feeling wasn't even human. It was my red journal that I kept by my bed. Whenever I'm feeling down or anything at all I write in that book.

I started writing in it shortly after my parents spilt up. It has pretty much all my secrets in it. I don't know what I'd do if someone read it. Especially since it has my thoughts from when I was depressed.

Including the ones most recently where I was afraid of feeling like that again. I was in a bad place then and I don't think I could handle it again. But I've been trying to stay positive and not let it bring me down again.

I turned over to get comfortable which happened to make me face Pierson. Surprisingly me moving didn't wake him up, apparently he is a deep sleeper. His face looks so peaceful in his sleep; he's actually kind of cute. Why hadn't I noticed this before? I mean I know deep down I thought he was pretty attractive but I pushed back those feelings, thinking he was no good. But obviously what he did last night shows he's not as bad as he seems.

My stomach started to growl, so I figured now would be a good time to get up and make breakfast. Slowly getting out the bed careful not to wake up Pierson, I walked down stairs. Thankfully I had gone to the store a few days ago, so I have a few breakfast things I could make.

Grabbing some bisquick, I quickly mixed up some batter to make us some pancakes. Figuring it would probably be the nice thing to do considering all he's done for me. Adding some blue berries to a couple of them and then I was done in no time.

I set the table up before I headed back up stairs to wake him up. Once I got to my room my bed was empty. At first I panicked thinking he had left me but as soon as I had that thought it was dissmissed when he walked out of the bathroom. Greeting me with a smile, he led me down the steps back into the kitchen.

"Did you make this for me?" He asked pointing at the food.

"Yes silly. Who else would it be for?"

We sat in silence as we ate until he finally broke the silence. "I hate to leave so fast but I need to get back home before my parents throw a fit. But before I go let me get your number."

Once he left I finished clealing the kitchen before heading back up to my room. Thinking I haven't wrote in my journal I figured now would be a good time. Especially with what happened last night, it is probably best that I write about how im feeling down. My heart started to race when I looked in the spot where I usually kept it and it was gone. I tore my whole room apart looking for it hoping I had miss placed it.

When I couldn't find it I began to really panic. I have no clue as to where it could be. This had to be one of my biggest fears; having someone read all of my thoughts/fears that I keep private.

Not knowing what else to do I just say on my bed and cried until I ran out of tears. No one has any idea that I keep this journal so going to someone about this was out of the question. I know you're probably thinking I'm overreacting. Maybe I am, but this is book is so important to me I couldn't have lost it.

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