Chapter 7

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

Yes! I couldnt help but feel excited when she walked into the room. I was almost positive she was going to come sit by me since it was only her second day and didnt know anyone. At least thats what I thought. Just when I was about to speak up telling her to come sit by me, she brushed past me. Damnit, Kelly just had to swoop in and steal her from me. When did she have the chance to stop and talk to her anyways?

Pouting during the rest of the class while secretly glancing at her every now and then. I had to come up with a plan to make her like me and fast. Making sure she couldnt leave when the bell rang I headed towards her. "Hey Sage, what do you say wantcome sit with me at lunch today? Ill even buy you food."

"As tempting as that sounds, I actually have plans to sit with Kelly." She said looking at Kelly as she was approaching us. "No dont worry about it Sage! You can sit with Pierson. Besides the table is always a little crowed on tuesdays." Kelly trailed off. Thank you Kelly! She was good for one thing.

"Sounds like you will be joing me?" I told her holding my hand out. Reluctantly she took hold of my hand letting me guide her out to the courtyard. Texting the guys letting them know I wouldnt be joining them for lunch. I loved the boys but I didnt want them to take her away from me.

That haven't seen her yet and I planned on keeping it that way until she fell for me.

~Sage's P.O.V~

I was cornered by Pierson at the end of third bell. My second day here was getting better until he did that. I tried telling him I had other plans for lunch but Kelly made it clear to him that it was okay for me to join him.

I made a mental note to make sure I got her back for this later. Reluctantly I took his hand he held out for me. We didn't really need to hold hands for him to show me where he sat for lunch. Although it was the beginning of November he still lead me out to go sit in the courtyard. We were one of the few people out there since it was getting pretty chilly out.

For some reason I was surprised to see it was just me and him and not a ton of other people with us. He seemed like the type to have a ton of friends around.

We sat at one of the empty picnic tables the school had set out. I wasn't really sure what to say to him because I didn't really know him. I was always awkward when I first met someone. He sat down across from me like he did last night at McDonalds. Looking up through my eyelashes I watched him take a bite of his turkey sandwich.

I had to admit he was fairly attractive with his light brown hair and green eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing. I've never seen someone with such green eyes before. He could give a girl one look and they would melt. In fact they did. It was pretty obvious all the girls loved him. Every time he passed one they would stop and stare. I dont understand why they were going crazy over him, he's just like all the other guys here. There was plenty of other guys that were just as attractive as he was. Like Ryan from my history class. 

I guess I was got lost in thought and started full on staring at him. Next thing I knew he was smirking at me saying "enjoying the view?" "Ha! You wish buddy!" 

Man hes attractive. Woah what did I really just think that? Pushing that out of my mind I made sure he didnt break down the walls I put around my personal life. I really didnt want to let anyone in because it always lead to someone leaving me. Honestly I couldnt take losing another person again. I hated leaving home because what if I was the person someone wished wouldnt leave that they trusted? Yet I did. Not that I had a choice really; it was my mothers. If I had a choice I would be with my dad right now going to my old school. 

Next thing I knew Pierson was sitting next to me with his hand on my knee. Moving his hand I tried running away from him again. But before I could he grabbed my wrist swinging me back around causing my to bump into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me giving me a bear hug. He held me for what felt like forever. Letting me breath in his intoxicating scent not letting me go. Once he let go he told me it looked like I needed a hug. Blushing I thanked him for the hug. Not gonna lie his hug did make my sad mood better. I couldnt help but wonder why he tried talking to me so much. I guess I would have to find out.

~Author's Note~ 

Hey guys! I hoep you're enjoying the story so far! Let me know what you think in the comments? By the way the song on the side is just a cover I found on 8Tracks that I liked. Figured i'd share it with you guys! Anyways please vote and comment! :) Also thanks for 75 reads!! <3

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