Chapter 10

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

I don't know why I brought Sage dinner last night. I guess I knew her mom wasn't going to be home leaving her with nothing to eat. Still that didn't mean I had to bring her something. She seemed to appreciate me bringing her some food.

Thank god. I was afraid she would be upset with me for showing up unannounced. Especially the way I left her so fast on Tuesday afternoon. But then again I'm sure she didn't think twice about it. She doesn't seem to be too interested in me. But that doesn't mean I was going to stop trying to get her to like me. It was my mission to get her to see the real me.

I wanted to get to know her. What her problems were, what her favorite things were, even what she disliked. Wow. I must have it really bad for her. Usually I hook up with a girl and don't think twice about it.

Hell I haven't even hooked up with the girl before and I was thinking about this. She's different. I just hope Avon doesn't change her and if it does I hope it's me who changes her for the better. She seems kinda reserved and really thought things through before she did them. But that's not how you should live your life. You need to go out there and do whatever you want to do and have fun without thinking. Yes it's important to think some things through before doing them.

Sometimes just letting yourself go is when you have one of the best times of your life. That was my motto. I wanted to live my life to fullest instead of being a worry wart all the time.

I threw on some swim trunks and left a note for my mom letting her know I was headed to the beach. Whenever I needed to be left alone or just think I would go to the beach. Sometimes I would run other times I would get in and enjoy the water. Today I felt like doing both so I ran about two miles down the beach. Once I got to an area where no one really was I decided to get in the water. Throwing off my shirt I ran into the water swimming out pass the sand bar.

The water was nice and warm today. Do to the lack of waves not many surfers came out today. I always wondered what the surfers do with their life when there wasn't any waves to surf.

Staying in the water until my fingers started to look prune like, I got out. It didn't take long for me to get back to shore since there was no waves. When I got back I couldn't find my shirt anywhere. Looking up and down the area I had left it hoping to find it with no luck. Who the heck steals a shirt anyways? Oh well I'll just have to walk home without it.

Instead running back up the beach I just walked enjoying the sound of the ocean. Many people come here to relax and I completely understood. Nothing's more relaxing than drinking up the suns warm rays with the sound of the ocean in the background.

I'm sure the boys would be upset with me on Monday for ditching this weekend. Also for pretty much avoiding them all since Tuesday. Especially Chad. We would always tell each other everything that was bothering us. It was more than obvious there was something wrong since I never avoided my boys. I ignored all of their texts asking where I was.

Like I said Chads gonna be totally pissed at me. We were really close so when I do this kind of stuff it really bothers him. I'm surprised he hasn't shown up at my house yet. Then again it was only Saturday morning. No doubt he would be over either later tonight or sometime tomorrow demanding what's wrong. I knew as soon as he asked me id break down an explain everything I was feeling.

Honesty I don't know whats gotten into me lately. I've never acted this way before. Then again I've never had a girl make me feel this way before. Normally I would find another girl to lead on. But I really like Sage and I would never want to hurt her like that, or at all really. It made me angry just thinking about it. I wish I could hurt anyone who had hurt her before. It was my goal to make Sage fall for me and this time it wouldn't just be a bet I would make with the boys. What I felt for Sage was no game at all.

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