Part 1- Chapter 26

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~Sage's P.O.V~
It took us three whole weeks to find an apartment at a decent price. Which in a way worked out because I turn 18 the day after we move in.
My father which I thought would always be there for me, ditched me. He pretty much called me the day after my moms funeral without bothering to even show up saying he wouldn't be able to take me back into his house.
Apparently he ended up finding a new girlfriend since I left that happened to have three kids of her own. So my dad being stupid and not realizing that she's just using him let the lady move in. Now my old room has been taken over by some random kid I don't know.
I suppose it works out even though I'm a little hurt. I truly didn't see my dad doing something like that to me but oh well. Now I get to live with Pierson in this cute little apartment not far from our houses.
We ended up having to sell my mothers and my house shortly after me moving in with Pierson. It was pretty rough getting rid of this house. It's all I've ever know since I moved here.
But you have to let go of some things on order to have more good memories in the long run.
Pierson has stuck with me through all of this mess when no one else seemed to. Just another reason why I love him. That's something I've been thinking about a lot lately.
That I actually really love Pierson. Although I've never told him I really do love him. It's never seemed the right time to tell him about how I felt.
I'm not really sure how he feels about me but I sure hope he's in love with me too. Not many people would stick someone for this long especially with someone with so many problems.
It's hard to believe someone really wants to be with you when you never thought anyone cared about you.
Without Pierson I don't think I would have stayed here. I would have ended up living back home with my dad if we never met.
Just something about that boy that I can't let go of.
~Pierson's P.O.V~
Today's the day we finally move into the new apartment. To say I was excited was an understatement.
Finally I could move in with the girl of my dreams. It was nice of my mother to let her stay with us until we could get a place of our own, but I'm happy we will finally be alone.
This is pretty much every 18 year olds dream; moving out and being on your own. We can make our own rules and just have a good time together.
Since Sage's birthday is tomorrow I had made plans to take her out to a nice dinner and them explore the town. That has to be one of our favorite things to do. Just driving around with no destination just seeing where the road takes us.
Only me and my girl. Also I plan on taking her to the city because I know that's one of her favorite places in the entire world.
Anything to try and make her happy. She deserves it after all the shit she's been through these pass couple of weeks.
Hey guys sorry for such a short chapter! So since I feel pretty guilty for not giving you a long chapter I'm making this chapter have two parts. So this is only the first part and then ill post part 2 tomorrow :)
Love you guys! xx

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