Chapter 18

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~Sage's P.O.V~

It was Friday before I knew it and I was making my way to the party with Jay. Terri had refused to go since she hated parties and was sick. I don't blame her parties arnt all that great they are full of nothing but drinking loud music.

They can be pretty boring really, at least the ones back home were. It was long before we made it to where the party was being held. As soon as we got there Jay was taken away from me from some of her other friends. Which thats okay I didn't expect her to stick by my side all night. We made a deal to meet each other at her car by midnight and if we needed anything we just needed to text one another.

I headed to the kitchen in hopes of findind something other than beer to drink. Since I was going to the one driving us home tonight I figured it was best I not drink. Plus from the looks of it it was a cheap beer so it wouldn't be good.

Lucky for me no one was really in the kitchen just a couple making out at the kitchen table and a random guy who was already passed out drunk. Looking through the coolers with no such luck I went to the fridge. Normally I wouldn't just go through someones fridge but I was really thirsty and was not going to drink that shitty beer.

As I was opening up the fridge a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. At first I freaked out until I realised it was just Ryan. Thank god I thought maybe the guy who was passed out had woken up or something.

"Whatcha looking for babe?" He asked, his breath reeking of alchol. Seriouly he had only been here for and hour and he was tipsy. "Just looking for a bottle of water."

"Oh I know where some is." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen. Which didn't make sense why would they keep water anywhere else than the kitchen? But what could I do his grib was too tight on me so I followed him anyways.

I felt my stomach turned when he started to lead me up the stairs in the house. I had a bad feeling about this in the beginning and now it was starting to confirm my fears. I really did not want to be alone with Ryan. I was sure they didn't keep any water up here.

Next thing I knew he was leading me into a open room. At this point I was completely terrified. I had a pretty good idea of what he was planning on but I sure as hell wasn't ready for it. Maybe if I just told him I wasn't ready he would leave me alone.

That thought went right out the window when he pushed me onto the bed pressing himself onto me. He was kissing me his hands going up my shirt. Dispite my protests he kept going tearing off my shirt. I had no idea what to do all I could think was that I was going to be raped and there was nothing I could do about it.

He was just too strong every time I tried to get away he would hold onto me even tighter. Then doing the last thing I hoped would save me I screamed at the top of my lungs. I have no idea if it would be any help since the music was so loud and everyone was pretty drunk. But I kept screaming in hopes someone might hear me. This caused him to become angry. "Bitch you will do this, you know you want this. Ever since you kissed me at school that day I knew this is what you wanted." He yelled at me, putting his mouth on mine to shut me up.

There was no way that I could push him off since he had both my hands pushed onto the bed. Just when I was about to give up hope somebody came rushing into the room. Thank god! The mystery guy came in pulling Ryan off of me. Next thing I knew the guy was punching him non stop. It wasnt until Ryan was laid out on the floor unconsious that I looked up at the guy who saved me.

I couldn't believe the guy infront of me was Pierson. Before I knew it I bust out into tears. Pierson rushed over to me wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head onto his shoulder sobbing uncontrollably. If it wasn't for him beating Ryan up I would have been raped. Which I might add was my biggest fear. I couldn't thank him enough for saving me.

He just sat there holding onto to me saying things to try and comfort me. There was no doubt in my mind that I completely trusted Pierson Cross.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! Told you I would be posting another chapter. :) And honestly I most likely will again before the night is over. So stay tuned! Also I wanted to thank you guys for 200 reads thats crazy! <3

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