Chapter 8

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

I could tell by the look in her eyes before she ran away she was sad. Doing the only thing that seemed right I wrapped her in my arms. As soon as I put my arms around her I felt her body relax. There was no denying I loved the way she felt in my arms. Resting my head on hers smelling of vanilla, I didn't want to let her go.

After what seemed like forever I let her go reluctantly. "You looked like you could use a hug."

"Thanks. I really did." She said looking down attempting to hide her blush. I couldn't help but wonder what was making her so sad.

"So tell me what's the real reason you moved here?"

"Well my parents just got a divorce. My mom decided moving across the state would be good for us and that's how I ended up here." Letting out a sigh.

"Don't you sound happy to be here?" I said messing with her. Instead of laughing her face stayed in pained reaction.

"You would too if your mother moved you to a new place and then worked herself to death."

"So your telling me, your mom leaves you home alone all the time and you've only been here for what five days maybe?"

"Yuppp" she said extending the word. "Hm well that'll have to change. Why don't you let me take you home today?"

"I suppose you could... As long as you don't kill me." She said with a laugh.

"Meet me at the front of the school." And with that I was off to my next class. 

When three o'clock finally rolled around I rushed to the front of the school. Sage was standing there ingulfed in her phine waiting for me. I sat there just admiring her beauty before I approached her. Sneaking up behind her I wrapped my arms around her body. She jumped in surprise not expecting someone to come up behind her. Recieving a light slap on my arm and a scholding from her, I asked she was ready to go. 

"Lead the way." she said with a smile. 

I could tell she was suprised by what I was driving. "What, dont like jeeps?" "Nah I just didn't picture you as the jeep type."  "Ah well you dont seem like a skater type either" I tell her. 

"Sounds like we have a lot to learn about each other." She trails off. In the middle of taking her home I totally forgot about the prank I was supposed to be pulling with my boys in a few minutes. Before she could even close the door when she got out I was pulling out of her drive way. "I'LL SEE YOU LATER SAGE!!" I yell to her. I feel bad for leaving her but I never ditched my boys and I wasnt about to start. Plus what would I have had said? Oh yeah I was just ditching you guys for the new girl. In fact thats who I was with at lunch too. 

Yeah that so wouldnt have worked out. They would have made fun of me saying I was whipped. We werent even dating and ive never gotten whipped by a girl before. I wasnt about to let that change either. 

I needed to meet the boys at our normal spot at the beach in less than ten minutes. We were going to spray paint one of the brick walls we found in town not too long ago. As you can tell we had a thing for spray painting things recently. Normally if you were going to do something like this you would do this at night so you know you wont be caught. But the guys and I have done this enough times to know how to get out of there in less than five minutes without getting caught. 

Right when I get inside Chad is questioning where i've been all day. Quickly coming up with a lie as to why I havent hung out with them all day. He gives be a look that says 'I know you're lying.' but doesnt say anything else. We grabbed the different colored paints and got into Chads car. 

It took less than 10 minutes to get to where we were going. Chad parked the car so that we could get out fast but also covered our license plate. We all got out each picking our color spray paint. Taking our time painting whatever came to our minds. Once we ran out of paint we stood back and looked at our art work. It was full of colorful swirls and words. For not talking to each other while we worked our art really did flow together. It was nice. This had to be one of my favorite things to do in the whole world. Lost in thought looking at the art made me jump when the guys started yelling at me. Man was I really spacing out a lot lately. Thats gotta stop I thought to myself. 

The guys were pointing up to one of the words I painted earlier. At first I was confused as to why they were so confused about my art. Then I realized what I had painted. On the brick wall in coral writting outlined in white was Sages name. Well wasnt I screwed. 

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