Chapter 16

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

Winning Sage's trust is a pain in the ass. I wish it was as easy as getting a girl to sleep with me. But of course she was stubborn and didn't believe a word I said.

I know I have been trying to be better and not sleep with girls just to earn her trust. Honestly I wasn't gonna go find another girl to go sleep with until after she slammed the door in my face. Then everything changed. I just poured my heart out to her what more did she want?

Maybe if I could make her jealous she would talk to me. She might even stop talking to that stupid Ryan guy. I swear once this is all over I was gonna give that guy a piece of my mind. He probably knew I was interested in her and that's why he was pursuing her.

Suddenly it hit maybe if I started flirting with Kelly acting Sage might get jealous. I mean those too were close weren't they? I just needed to pretend not to care about Sage anymore and start talking to Kelly. I know I was trying to gain trust and all but obviously that wasn't working out for me.

So if jealousy was the way to win a girls heart so be it.

I texted Kelly asking if she had any plans for today before hoping into the shower. Today was the day I started the jealousy plan. All I needed to do was get Kelly on the same page as me and by the end of next week maybe Sage will realize what she's missing out on. If she was going to play dirty than so could I. 


I spent all weekend with Kelly, which was super boring by the way. She pretty much acted like a dumb blond the entire time. Laughing too much at little things, placing her hand on my arm every few minutes, and when we werent together she kept texting me. If she only knew how I really felt about her. 

I kinda feel guilty for using her like this but then again she should know I wasnt interested in her. Heck we didnt even really like each other why would have asked her out forreal? 

When Monday morning finally came around I couldnt wait to go to school. I knew Sage would not be happy to see her best friend in my arms. Now she will know how I felt about her and Ryan being together. Some people would say what im doing is cruel but hey all is fair in love and war. 

As soon as I stepped into the school, Kelly was on my arm. No surprise there really. 

"So Pierson, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?" Kelly asked, batting her eyelashes up at me. I looked over her shoulder to see Sage about to walk past. 

"Hell yeah I wanna hangout with you after school." I said never taking my eyes off Sage. Kelly just kissed me on the cheek before walking off. 

Sage's reaction was priceless. She was angry no doubt about it, not exactly what I expected but it was a reaction no less. Content with my plan I headed to my first bell to get on with my day in hell. 

It wasnt until lunch that I saw Sage again. Unfourtanely she was with Ryan in the lunch line. It was no surprise she went and sat at his table instead of her normal table with Kelly. Also to my dismay Kelly was sitting right next to me her boobs on full display. When did she turn into such a slut? I cant wait till this is all over so I dont have to deal with her anymore. 

When I looked up again I couldnt believe my eyes. Sage had grabbed onto Ryans shirt pulling him down to kiss her. Once they broke apart she made sure to look right at me giving a smirk. 

So she was onto what I was trying to do. Dont get me wrong I was completely jealous right now. But I was also happy because obviously she cared about me or she wouldnt be doing this. 

~Author's Note~

Hey guys! Sorry I havent posted in a while i've been working on summer projects. Also sorry for a short chapter ill try posting another in a few or tomorrow morning. Btw check out the song on the side its so good! Love you guys! <3

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