Part 2- Chapter 26

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~Pierson's P.O.V~
Today's Sage's birthday so I made sure to get up early so I could make her a nice breakfast. This was only the first part of her birthday plans.
But before I could make breakfast I needed to go buy a bouquet of flowers to give her later tonight. It only took me 10 minutes to get the flowers and when I got home she was still fast asleep.
It must of been the smell of her favorite pancakes that made her wake up. Before I could even finish making the pancakes she was out of bed sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen.
"Morning beautiful. How does it feel to be 18?" I asked kissing her forehead.
"Not any different than 17; now can I have some pancakes pleassssse?" She asked me with puppy dog eyes.
With a laugh I put some pancakes on a plate and handed them to her. She sat there eating her pancakes with a happy smile on her face. She is too cute. How'd did I get so lucky?
As soon as she was finished eating I sent her off to shower and to get ready. It only took me 20 minutes to convince her to do this since she would not stop asking where we were going.
Like I would tell her and ruin the surprise. I decided late that I would take her to a real city, so I'm taking her to NYC. I've already packed our things and it's in the back of my car. I just needed to take her to our special spot so I could ask if she wanted to go.
We had our own little spot that we would always go to at the beach. It was this really rocky area where the water would crash into. It was a really beautiful site. Since it was warmer now we finally go to it again without freezing to death.
It didn't take Sage long to get ready before we were off on our journey. Of course she knew the way to our spot so she knew exactly where I was taking her. But what she didn't know is where I was really going to take her.
I grabbed the bouquet hiding it behind my back while we walked to our spot. We just say there watching the water hit the rocks, talking about anything and everything.
That's what I love most about her; that we can just sit her like this and talk about absolutely everything. So right in that moment is just felt right to tell her I love her.
"Sage I love you, you know that right?"
"I know, I love you too." She said pulling me in for a kiss.
"Now I know you're probably wondering why I brought you here, so would you like to spend a few days with me in NYC?"
"Of course I would! When do we leave?"
"Now, silly."
"NOW!? I'm not ready now! I don't even have a bag packed!" She shouted.
"Sage calm down I've already packed your bag and it's in my car. I have everything all set all you have to do is say yes."
"Yes." She said with a goofy smile leaning in to give me another kiss.
With that I grabbed her hand taking her back to my car so we could head off. It's gonna be a long drive but it will be worth it. We have music and each other so the ride is sure to not get boring.
But little did she know what I had planned for her when we get there.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I promised! I was really busy trying to vote for 5SOS before the voting closed lol. Also wattpad has been doing something arranging and not letting me enter between paragraphs. It's really annoying but maybe I can fix it on the computer? Idk, anyways here's part 2! Love you! xx

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