Chapter 5

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~Sage's P.O.V~

I was laying in my bed thinking about how bad my first day was. I'm overreacting I know, but I swear first days are always the worse. First, I couldn't find most of my classes. Then I had to pretend to understand what everyone was talking about at lunch. Oh and to top it off some guy ran into me in the hall.

I was so mad when he did that, but it was also my fault I guess. Still, he shouldn't have just watched me gather my things. I mean come on he knocked me down the least he could have done was help me pick up my things. I suppose I should have taken the hand he offered me. But he grabbed onto my wrist when I was trying to walk away! What the hell is his problem? Just thinking about him makes my blood boil.

I headed down to the kitchen to see if mom was making dinner. Unsurprisingly, she just left a note on the island.

I'll be working late tonight. There is a frozen pizza in the freezer. Don't stay up too late!

Lovely I don't even like pizza. How many times do I have to tell her that before she remembers? Since I surely wasn't going to eat the pizza she left, I figured I'd go get something myself. Grabbing my penny board I raced out the door hoping to find a fast food place close by.

After skating for about 15-20 minutes I had finally found a McDonalds. Not my favorite place in the world but it would have to do. I ordered my food and sat down at one of the window seats that faced the beach. The view was nice I have to admit. I took a bite of my Big Mac while staring out at it. I was enjoying myself when all of a sudden someone slips into the booth in front of me.

"Uh.. Hi?" I said before looking up realizing who just sat down.

"Hi I'm Pierson" he said extending his hand. Can I not get away from this guy or what? Most importantly why did he have to come sit with me?

"Yeah sure, you can sit down Pierson." My voice filled with sarcasm.

"I know that's why I'm sitting down. Anyways tell me about yourself Sage."

"Not much to tell. Plus why would I tell you? I don't even know you."

"You know me, I'm Pierson. I just told you, silly." He said with a grin.

This guy had player written all over him. I don't know why I even sat there and let him keep talking to me. I guess he finally got the hint after a while and left. Unfortunately, I was wrong. He just went to go get himself some food and came back to sit down. I mentally cursed at myself for being such a slow eater. I tried to finish my food fast without looking like a total pig.

"Well as lovely as this has been, I gotta go." I quickly told him before grabbing my penny board and leaving. Since I didnt have any homework I figured I would go sit on the beach for a bit. The beach was starting to become the place that helped clear my mind. Ever since we moved here my mom has been working non stop. None of our family lived around here so I was by myself a lot. Maybe once I've gone to my new school long enough I'll make some new friends. Right now no one really talked to me, nor have I talked to anyone else other than Kelly. Kelly had given me her number so I could text her if I needed anything. I guess that ment we were friends.

Kelly was nice, but I probably wouldnt have befriended her if I was back home. She wasn't really the type that I usually hung out with you could say. She seemed to be pretty popular and I'm, well, not. Don't get me wrong her friends are awesome. Everyone was so friendly at the table. I guess since it was only my first day it's expected for me not to understand all their conversations. Hopefully the longer im here the more i'll like it. Let's just hope I wont have to cross paths with Pierson along the way.

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