Chapter 3

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~Sage's P.O.V~

I woke up to an annoying beeping sound, announcing it was 6am on Monday. Lovely. I needed to start getting ready for my first day at my new school. Five minutes passed before I finally got up and showered. Quickly blow drying and straightening my hair; not wanting to draw too much attention to myself, I put on light makeup. Putting on light wash jeans, a simple t-shirt, and a pair of black vans I rushed down stairs to grab some breakfast.

By the time I headed out the door it was 7:30. School started at 8:15, so I had plenty of time to get there and figure out where all my classes were. Surprisingly there were a lot of cars already in the parking lot at 8 am. Why the heck would people come to school 15 minutes early? Thats 15 more minutes you could sleep in.

As soon as I walked into the school it smelled of paint. Looking up I realized the smell was coming from the colorful set of lockers just down the hall, they stood out from all the other plain red ones. Something told me that they didn't paint them like this on purpose. Dismissing the thoughts I had about why the lockers were like that, I made my way to the guidance office.

I was greeted by a short blonde lady as soon as I walked into the office. The name tag on her desk read Mrs. Lian, she seemed to be a nice lady so I asked her if she knew what I needed to do for my first day.

"Hi Sweetie! Welcome to Avon High! You're gonna love it. Here's a map of the school. Your locker is here, lunch rooms there and first bell is right about here. If you have any questions then just feel free to come here and ask me."

"Thank you" I said quickly gathering the papers she had just gvien me. "Oh and if you can't find your way some where just ask any of the students. I'm sure they would be more than happy to help" She said with a smile.

"Thank you again!" By the time I got out her office it was 8:10 meaning I had five minutes to find where the heck my class was. Even with the tiny map I had it was difficult to find my way around the big school. Also was she crazy?theres no way I would ask someone for help. So far it had been an okay first day. I mean nothings happened to make the day terrible, but then again nothings happened to make the day great. There was still time for the day to become good or bad since it was just before lunch.

No ones really tried to make friends with me; so far i've only been welcomed by stares. Honestly why couldnt people just be friendly and try to make a conversation? The stares were starting to make me uncomfortable. It's like I have something on my face. Which I know I dont because I checked in the bathroom a few minutes before.

"Hey Sage!!" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned around to see a tall red headed girl walking my way. "Uh hi... Im sorry but I dont remember your name."

"Of course you dont silly! We've never met!" she said cheerfully. "Ohh. Well then how do you know my name?"

"The question is who doesnt know your name? Im Kelly by the way. What's your class schedule?"

I handed her the piece of paper that read what classes I have. Before I could even ask her questions about why everyone should know my name, she lets out an excited scream. I assumed that meant we had a class together.

"We have our last two bells together!" she said while jumping up and down. "You should totally come sit with me and my friends at lunch! They are awesome." "Really? Thanks. I guess I will." I said with a smile. "Great! I'll find you in the cafteria at the begining of lunch!" and with that she was off to her next class.

Finally, I found my locker, which happened to be one of the spray painted ones. As if being new wasnt giving me enough attention having one of the painted lockers seemed to draw even more attention.

My next class was history. Oh how I hate stupid ole history. It's history for a reason we shouldnt have to learn about the past. The class seemed to drag on, which sucks since it was only my first day and I was already bored. Finally 12 o'clock rolls around and I find my way to the cafeteria. I hadnt even been in there for five minues when Kelly drug me to her table. There were a lot more people at the table than I expected. I almost didnt think there was room for me but they made room. Everyone was so nice. I had art with Tyler and history with Ryan, but other than that I didnt really have any classes other than with Kelly. I suppose living in Avon wouldn't be all that bad, maybe.

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