Chapter 28

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~Sage's P.O.V~
Ever since the concert Pierson has been acting funny. He's never home anymore and spends all his free time with the boys.

Well so I thought until Chad showed up looking for him one day when Pierson said he was going out to hang with him.

I told Chad that Pierson told me that he was going to hang out with him three hours ago. But according to Chad he hadn't talked to him since last week. In fact they hadn't been talking all that often since we moved into the apartment he said.

Obviously something was up, I'm not sure what but I know somethings not right. All I know is that I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach.


~Pierson's P.O.V~
I've been seeing Kaylee for almost two months now. I don't know what it was about that concert but it made me realize I don't want to be tied down.

Slowly my bad boy ways started coming back; but this time I didn't have the boys beside me.

I tried talking to Chad about Kaylee but he went off on me. So now I had no one to talk to about this which brought me back to Kaylees side once again.

I knew what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't stop myself. There is just something pulling me back to my old ways. Something that I wasn't willing to stand up against.

Weeks went by and I still haven't talked to Chad and my relationship with Sage was slowly slipping too I could tell. Not that I paid much attention. Don't get my wrong I still love Sage.

I always will no matter what. I think I'm just scared of being in love so I run away or do something shitty to ruin it. Which I'm obviously doing.

But what I didn't expect is Sage to get mad at me. Well of course I knew she would get mad if she found out but I think she was slowly catching on to what was happening. Although she hadn't said anything to me about it. But it was clear she knew when I got home.

As soon as I walked into the house I knew something was off. I walked into out room to see all of Sage's things were gone. Every single thing.

But the next thing I noticed was the note laying on top of our made bed.

"Dear Pierson,
Chad told me about you and Kaylee. I never thought of you as a cheater, but apparently I thought wrong. Anyways, I've moved out now because I can't stand to see the one I love going off with someone else. Maybe you never really loved me or maybe you love Kaylee; I don't know. All I know is I have to leave now. I'm not sure where I'll end up but I'm gone from here. Goodbye Pierson.
-Sage xx"

That's when it hit me and the tears started to fall. I just let the best thing to ever happen to me go. How could I be so fucking stupid.

I called Kaylee to her that whatever we had was over for good. Such a stupid mistake that ruined everything.

Sorry for a late update again. Idk why this story has become so much harder to right now that it's coming to the end. Ughhh it's a struggle but tomorrow is my last day of school then I'm on thanksgiving break. Yay! So that means more updates!

Also once this one is finished I will be writing a new story! If you have any character name suggestions please comment them! :)

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