Chapter 4

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~Pierson's P.O.V~

The boys and I had a pretty chill weekend, we went to the beach, but not where all the stupid tourist go. The only bad part is the weekend went by way too fast. The week seems to go by so slow but the weekends never do. Its not fair really.

Not even ten minutes into first bell everyone was buzzing about a new kid. After 20 minutes I had enough of everyone talking about the new kid. So naturally I just picked up my stuff and went to the detention room. Mr. smith didn't even give me a second glance when I walked out. We kind of have a routine now, instead of me getting in trouble I just leave without disturbing his teaching. I have to say it worked out pretty well in my favor.

When I got there it was no surprise to see the other three boys already there. As soon as I stepped foot into the room Russ asks me if i've heard about the new girl.

"I didn't realize it was a she."

"Dude how could you not I heard she's smoking hot."

I just shrugged not answering him before falling into one of the desk seats. I came here to not have to hear about the new girl. Usually the boys feel the same way about new people starting school here. I don't understand what's so great about this girl that makes them talk non stop about her. Kian must have realized I wasn't happy because he was now sitting in the seat next to me nugging me with his elbow. "Whats up man?" he asks with a concerned look. "Nothing, just tired is all." and with that he left me alone to deal with my own thoughts.

With the guys still talking about it I decied to leave. Im sure no one would notice if I left campus and if they did ill just say I needed to get something out of my car. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't see the person I had just knocked onto the floor. When I looked down I was completely surprised by who I saw. Laying on the floor in front of me was the new girl everyone was talking about. I would never admit this out loud but I understood why everyone wouldnt stop talking about her now. She was gorgeous.

Figuring I should probably ask if she needed help up rather than sitting there staring at her, I offered her a hand. She just rolled her eyes as she got up not bothering to accept my help. As she was about to storm off I grabbed her wrist. I have no idea why I did this, I just did. The look she gave me didn't show fear like most people did when I grabbed them, instead it showed annoyance. That's a first no girl has ever looked at me that way. Im used to all the girls falling apart by just my touch or even me looking at them. Before I could even stop myself I blurted out "Whats your name newbie?"

Seriously Pierson. Newbie! Why the hell did I just call her newbie. Thats like calling the freshman "freshies" which I refused to do because I felt like I was treating them like little kids.

"It's Sage. Now will you let me go? I have class to get to." She said while yanking her arm out of my grasp.

Nice going Pierson I thought to myself. Out of all the things I could have said or done I had to do that. What happened to the smooth cool guy I usually was? I didnt even know her, yet she already had a big affect on me and that's gonna be a problem.

I ended up not ditching school and headed back to detention. Scott, our teacher, was passed out when I came in. So much for being supervised. Im surprised the principle left us alone with him. We are the bad boys of Avon, obviously we are gonna use Scotts sleeping tendencies to our advantage. This often meant roaming the school while others were in class or just flat out ditching school.

When I got back I pretended to be asleep so I could listen to the boys talk about Sage. How did they already know so much about her? I don't think they've even spoke one word to her yet. Listening to them I heard many different stories on why she moved here. One was because her parents were divorced others were a little more out there. Such as she moved here so her mom could persue her stripping career. I mean I dont really know the girl, but I seriously doubted her mom was a stripper. Then again never judge a book by its cover.

As much as I wanted to stop thinking about her, I just couldn't. She kept slipping back into my mind the way she looked at me. Even the sound of her voice telling me her name replayed in my head non stop. Although her words were filled with hate when she spoke to me there was something about her that made her unique. I was determined to figure out just how and why this girl made me feel different than all the others at this stupid school.


Hey guys sorry it took me so long to update. Im not to proud of this chapter but the story will get better once action starts to pick up a little bit. :) Btw this is unedited so sorry if there is any mistakes.

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